Chapter 1: One more night

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Friday June 1st, 2018. 11:00PM

It then cuts to SMG5 sitting in his room in the YouTube headquarters with his eye closed. He then hears flashbacks of certain people.

Person 1: I mean, SMG5 does have what it takes to lead the Splatsquad to glory. But when you look at some of the teams around them, combined with SMG5's experience on the field, that might be what finishes the Splatsquad

Person 2: The Splatsquad has done very well. 16-0. First Inkopolis team to do so. But now, this is where the work gets serious. And if you're not serious, then you'll lose.

Person: If the Splatsquad doesn't at least make the Ink bowl, then it'll be one of the greatest what if's in Splatfest history. 

He then hears his sliding door open and close. He calmly opens his eyes.

SMG5: Hey Coach. He turns his head to see Bill walking up to him.

Bill Belichick: Hey SMG5. I heard about what happened earlier and...

SMG5: I know. We shouldn't have fought. It would have disqualified both teams. He then sighs.

Bill, to SMG5: Hey, what's wrong?

SMG5, to Bill: Oh, nothing, nothing. It's just, how do you do it?

Bill, to SMG5: Do what?

SMG5, to Bill: You know, when you're preparing for the Super bowl, the nerves in the locker room before the game, how do you calm them down? I mean, this is the big one. One mistake, and it's all over. Bill then sits next to SMG5.

Bill, to SMG5: Well, it's easy. We just think about the mistakes that happened the previous year, and use that to motivate us.

SMG5, to Bill: But what if it was a bad game? Or what if a key player was injured? What if it was Tom who was injured?

Bill, to SMG5: Well, we would have just got to Ben to be the quarterback.

SMG5, to Bill: Yes, I know that but, what if something is to happen to any of us during splatfest that'll cause us to lose? Bill then places a hand on SMG5's shoulder.

Bill, to SMG5: Hey, let me give you a few words of motivation: "If you can't win, then you can't fight. But if you can win, then you can fight. And besides, you're one of the most talented people that I know. H*ll, you're a lot better than me, that's for sure. SMG5 then looks at Bill and smiles.

SMG5: You really know what to say, don't you Coach? Bill then gets up from SMG5's bed and walks over to the sliding door. He opens the door, but before walking out, he turns towards SMG5 and nods. SMG5 nods back before Bill leaves the room. SMG5 then sets an alarm clock for 6:00AM and he starts meditating.

A few hours later...

Saturday June 2nd, 2018. 6:00 am

A calm crashing of waves began to play. SMG5 stopped meditating as that was the alarm that he set for 6:00. He then stretches, then gets out of his bed.

SMG5: Welp, today's moving day. Let's hope that the Cowboys got everything ready. He then walks over to a rail and types in his breakfast which came on a separate rail. He then takes the tray that the breakfast came on, and walks over to the table that's in his room. He then eats the breakfast and puts the tray onto another rail that'll take the tray to be cleaned. SMG5 then puts on his custom splatsquad attire that he had prepared for today, and then he walked out of his room. He then noticed Douglas, who was also wearing his custom splatsquad attire that he had prepared for today.

SMG5, to Douglas: Hey Douglas. Douglas heard Noah and turned around.

Douglas, to SMG5: Hey Noah. He then notices SMG5'S suit. You look good.

SMG5, to Douglas: Thanks. You look good too.

Douglas, to SMG5: Thanks Noah. They then turn around to see Bill in his custom Splatsquad hoodie.

SMG5, to Bill: At least someone's going old school.

Bill, to SMG5: Well, I gotta admit Noah. These do look good. Still can't believe you made all these on your own.

SMG5, to Bill: Well, it's a good job that I love creativity. Now, let's meet up with the others. He then opens a portal to the Dolphins facility and the trio walks through. Once the portal closes, SMG5 notices, Mario, Smg4, DK, Saiko Luigi, Aliya, Meggy, Bob and Boopkins over by the entrance to the facility, wearing their custom splatsquad attires that Noah gave them. Once Mario and Douglas noticed Meggy and Aliya, all 4 of them started to blush, with their cheeks turning bright red.

Bill, to SMG5: Looks like four of us are interested in others. SMG5 laughs at what Bill meant as they meet up with the others.

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