a perfect partner

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(2349 words)

'It's just me.' You called out, as you closed your front door behind you and dropped your keys on the table.

'Hey honey.' You heard through the hallway. 'How'd the case go?'

Your eyes flitted around for a second as you kicked your shoes off and placed them on the rack.

'Oh, just the usual.' You replied. 'Chief Prentiss was a total dickhead, as always.'

You grabbed your mail from the table, inspecting it as you walked down the corridor toward your living room.

'You know,' you started, 'I think she's actually hell bent on...' You froze as you looked up. 'What's all this?'

Hannah was stood by the couch, holding a massive bouquet of flowers in one hand and what looked like a box of chocolates in the other.

'Did you think I'd forget?' She asked, walking a few steps closer to you. 'It's our anniversary!'

You laughed nervously, suddenly at a loss for words.

'Well?' She laughed. 'Aren't you going to come and take these off my hands?'

'Wow!' You exclaimed, smiling. 'These are beautiful!'

Hannah handed you the flowers as you leant in to smell them.

'Thank you so much.' You added, letting her lean into you for a kiss.

'I wasn't sure I'd get chance to give you them today.' She said as you dropped the bouquet onto the counter, admiring them again. 'You're always working, even on our anniversary.'

'Yeah, I'm sorry I'm late back.' You replied.

'It's alright.' She said, perching on the arm of the couch. 'I'm used to it by now.'

You pulled your lips in apologetically.

'I've got your presents hidden away.' You changed the subject. 'I'll just go and...'

'Wait,' she stopped you, 'I didn't say I was done yet.'

'Oh?' You replied.

'Come here.' She instructed you.

You froze in place for a second, willing your body to move.

'Well come on!' She gestured impatiently.

You slowly walked towards her, stopping in front of her as she peered up at you. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't help your body from tensing.

Hannah's arm slowly slipped behind her as she lifted herself slightly from the couch, pulling out a box from her back pocket and presenting it to you.

'What's this?' You asked surprised.

'Open it.' She told you, placing the box in your hands.

Your eyes flitted between hers and the box, before you carefully prized it open.

'Wow!' You exclaimed, as a beautiful diamond necklace stared back at you. 'This is... wow!'

'Do you like it?' She asked.

'Han, I love it!' You smiled, struggling to take your eyes off the way it shone in the light.

'Here.' She said, gesturing for you to spin around as she swiped your hair up from your neck.

You pulled the necklace from the box carefully and brought it around your neck as Hannah took each end from your hands to fasten it.

You looked down at it as Hannah straightened out your hair behind you.

Damaged Goods - Emily Prentiss x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now