Calling the Lion Guard

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The next day.......

Kion and Kiara woke up 10 minutes ago and was chasing some butterflies. Suddenly Rafiki arrive to Pride Rock.

" Good morning, your Majesty." He said to Nala as Simba is out patrolling.

" Hello, Rafiki. I didn't expect you today." Said Nala surprised.

" Oh, Rafiki wants to show you something." Answered Rafiki" Please come to Rafiki's tree."

" Umm... Ok. Kion! Kiara! We need to go!" Called Nala.

" Go where, mommy? Go where? "Asked Kion and Kiara.

" You will see when we get there. Sarabi? Please tell Simba I have something to take care of."

" Ok." Reply the elder lioness.

" Thank you. Rafiki, we are ready." Said Nala.

 20 minutes later......

They reached Rafiki's tree. Kion recognized it immediately and asked" Why did you take me the Rafiki's tree? I am not sick!" While Kiara laughs at Kion.

" No. I bring you here not because you are sick, it is because Rafiki wants to show you something." Answered Nala.

Rafiki motioned for them to go up the ladder, then Rafiki made them sit down, he pointed to a picture and the picture started to move.

The picture shows and little lion cub with a dark tuff and orangish-brownish fur. 

Nala asked," Who is that?" 

Rafiki replies" That was Taka, or Scar."

" What?!" Cried Nala as the flashbacks of Scar memories haunt her. She remembered the time he ruled the Pride Lands, making it into complete chaos.

" Was Scar part of the Lion guard?" Asked Kion 

" No. Scar was the leader of the lion guard, he also has the Roar of the Elders like you, Kion. Until he loses it." Answered Rafiki.

"How did he lose it?" Asked Kiara.

" He thought he was the most powerful lion in the world because he had the Roar, he became dark, twisted and villainous. In a word, EVIL." Said Rafiki.

" Now, since Kion has the Roar, he must find some animals who is willing to be part of his own Lion guard team. The team need the fastest, the strongest, the keenest, the smartest, and lastly, the bravest."

" Wow! Mom, can I go get my own Lion guard now?" Saked Kion, excited.

" Of course, you can, son." Smiles Nala.

" Thanks mom!" Then Kion ran off to find his new lion guard

At noon time......

Nala was telling Simba all Rafiki has said when suddenly......

" Mom! Dad! I found my Lion Guard!" Shouted Kion, running back.

Simba and Nala turned and saw a honey badger, a cheetah, a hippo, an eagle, and an egret.

Simba was so surprise that his jaws almost hit the ground. Meanwhile, Nala stood still at the ground.

When Simba and Nala came to, Simba asked" Who are these animals?"

Kion replied, "My new Lion Guard."

"Kion, a Lion Guard must be made out of lions, not different animal species. "Object Simba.

" Oh, he can." said a voice. Everyone turn and saw the voice is from Rafiki.

" You see, "continue Rafiki" The cheetah is the fastest, the egret is the smartest, the honey badger is the bravest, the eagle is the keenest, and lastly Kion is the fiercest. "

Nala reasoned" If it is ok, there is no reason for him to cancel his Lion Guard, right Simba?"

Simba wants to object but finds that there is no reason for him to object, and his wife had also thought it was ok. So, he replies" Very well, Kion, your Lion Guard is permitted."

"Hurray!!! Thanks dad! Thanks mom!!" Shouted Kion joyfully.

" You're welcome." said Simba and Nala, smiling together at Kion's enthusiasm.

Kion and Vitani's training with the RoarWhere stories live. Discover now