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Derek's eyes lit up as soon as Kaia walked into the middle of the aisle with their 3 years old daughter,Estelle.

He beamed with excessive joy as he watched them both with a heart full of love.

He'd met Kaia in college and had been smitten by her ever since she bashed his head with a frying pan when he'd gone into his step sister's dorm room without knocking first. That earned her the nickname he gave her "Rapunzel"

She'd apologized profusely after realizing who he was but he could hardly feel the pain,all he saw was her beauty and realness.

They'd become friends and gone on their first date a couple of weeks after. They'd been together ever since.

They had their daughter,Estelle,three years ago when they got engaged and married in court and finally,they were getting married in a church,like Derek had always dreamt of,surrounded by friends and family.

Kaia smiled as she put her hand in Derek's.
Their daughter,skipped over to Dom,Derek's twin brother who held her in his arms while listlessly chewing gum.

In contrast to Derek,he was a bright blonde with light glass blue eyes,their eyes being the only thing that made them very identical.
He was in and out of prison for most times and Kaia  secretly resented him and didn't want him that close to her family but the ever gracious Derek wanted his twin brother close so that was that.

After the vows,the couple kissed and were escorted out of the church with beautiful songs,cheers and congratulations pouring in left and right.

Derek's dream of living in the quiet surburbs was about to become reality as they now got the chance to leave city life behind and live in decorum & peace in the slightly bustling part of the country side.

As their van pulled away from the family house later that night, Kaia waved at her new family,feeling euphoric about the beauty of the day & the special journey that'd begun.

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