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Breakfast was silent and tense the next morning. Dom took every opportunity to stare daggers at Estelle who was pretending to desire the calm.

"I'm gonna be getting some work done outside in the woods today. Wanna join me Dom?"

"Yea,I'd like that...what're you doing?"

"Felling a few trees to build a new shed at the back."

"Cool" was Dom's short response.

Getting up from the table,his plate half touched. He let out breathily.

"I'll be downstairs when you're ready to go brother"

Giving Estelle another killer stare,he walked out of the kitchen and Kaia sighed.

"Have easy conversations babe please"

"I know love" Derek assured and Estelle cleared her throat.

"Can I help Pearl in the cake shop today?"

"Oh wonderful honey" Kaia beamed.

"You can take all the time you want" Derek smiled,nodding.

"Thank you!"


"Sheriff Bart helps me with works like these most of the time" Derek said to Dom who was simply staring at him while he worked.

"When was the last time you heard from Nolan?" He asked and Derek froze.

"Dom don't start"

"I just want to know,Derek" He stressed the name so tightly.

"I fixed my mistakes. I'm sorry for them and I won't continue punishing myself over them. I forgave myself"Derek said,squarely facing his brother.

Dom burst out laughing derisively while pointing at Derek who wasn't having any of it.

"At least I know I'm trying" He added,going back to the work he was doing.

"Look at you out here,living the perfect life. A small town,cute little wife,adorable little daughter,best friends with the authority,a solid business,lots of free time to spend...all of that!" Dom held Derek's stare.

"...and what do I have?"

"You can't blame me for how your life turned out Dom"

"Oh I can't?!" Dom practically roared and Derek flung down the wood cutter.

"You can't!"

His sense of reasoning was slowly declining and he was tired of having to answer to Dom just because of his past mistakes.

"Yes I got you in jail the first time but I didn't send you back the other five times,did I?"

"Maybe if you hadn't stolen my life from me,maybe I would have been able to come back to something" Dom responded heatedly.

"...but no,you took over my identity,went to college with my high school credentials and came out living a beautiful life while I was stuck in jail for something YOU did!"

"I'm sorry!" Derek yelled and Dom lost it,shoving him against the tree and throwing punches repeatedly.

Derek managed to escape his grasp and held him at knife point.

Swiping at his bleeding nose,he begged him to stop.

"You can start over Dom please"

"...and you can be here,continuing to live the life I deserve to live. You were the one that was constantly involved with gangs,it was you who sold drugs,it was you who broke into houses. That wasn't me!
Now you've given me that personality and you expect me to forgive you,forget all this,move away and start afresh?"

"I'm sorry" Derek chocked out in tears and Dom wiped his nose,furious about his empty apologies.

"You took everything from me Derek...sometimes it's crazy calling you that name. It feels crazy seeing you with Kaia and knowing the only reason you're with her is because you stole my identity. Does she know?"

"Leave her out of this Dom" Derek pleaded.

"Leave her out of this?! She's supposed to be my wife! You took even my girlfriend! EVERYTHING!!!"

"I had to!" Derek yelled,tears rolling sporadically down his face.

"You had to..." His twin repeated in a low tone,an evil stare on his face.

"You had to make me fall for your mistakes,you had to ruin my life,you had to lie to Kaia after YOU hurt her beyond words. After YOU and your stupid friend broke into her step sister's dorm room,raped her and she got pregnant with your precious Estelle. How do you think she'd feel if she ever found out you are Estelle's real father huh?"

"You were an accomplice too. You didn't save her,did you? You watched me rape her and you did nothing!
We aren't as different as you think we are Dom and I must say,you have really settled in my life"

"But I loved her! I loved Kaia and you know it. I fixed your mistake by being there  for her but then you came and ruined everything. Took my life from me,my family,my ambitions...."

"Are you gonna rant about this for the rest of your miserable life or what?" Derek practically screamed at Dom whose eyes were trained behind him.

"Dad?!" A tiny voice cooed and Derek turned to see Estelle standing there,eyes brim with tears and a hand over her mouth.

"Oh no baby,come here" Derek tried to cajole her but she stood still,looking between the two men.

With a look of satisfaction,Dom shook his head indicating all was still not well between them before walking away although with a sly smile on his face

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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