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"What the hell is he doing here?" Estelle practically yelled at her dad who wagged a menacing finger at her to keep her voice down.

He slammed her room door and turned back to look at her.

"Esty,he's my brother. I can't just turn my back on him when he needs me the most"

"We're housing a criminal. He's wanted,dad."

"That's my brother"

"Family doesn't mean protecting people who could turn on us and kill us anytime"

"Do not speak about your uncle that way!"

"I wish he wasn't my uncle"she shot back and Derek sighed.

He walked out of the room and Estelle dropped on her bed,whipping her phone out to text Pearl and then changing her mind.

Staring fixedly at the ceiling,tears ran out the tail of her eyes,gradually soaking her pillows and before long,she curled up sobbing quietly.


"Have you contacted Kesner yet?" Derek asked his brother who was listlessly munching away on a cucumber.

"I did...he should be here in a few days."

"A few days?"

"It's not like the police know I'm here,by the time Kesner gets here,I'll turn myself in and have my lawyer by my side"

"Right" Estelle piped up,showing at the kitchen entrance.

"Esty,please go to your room" Derek pleaded.

Dom plastered on a smile,narrowing his eyes at Estelle who returned the smile knowing any minute now,her plan would come to fruition.

"Oh I will go to my room dad" she stressed each word,her eyes not leaving her uncle's.

A shrill siren pierced the serenity and Dom panicked immediately.

"You little shit!"

"What did you do?"

"What you should have done Dad!"

Kaia heard the commotion and came running from the basement where she had been trying to make it into a livable space for Dom.

Heavy boots kicked open the door and the police had Dom in cuffs in a few minutes.

"Thank you Estelle" the sheriff patted her back and she nodded.

"Esty,what did you do?" Kaia yelled and the sheriff shot her an ugly look.

"If I didn't know you personally Derek Archman,you'd also be in cuffs right now" He bit out before storming out.

Estelle ran to her room and locked the door,ignoring her mother's scoldings.

"You think you're the smartest huh?"
"You should have listened to your father and I but no,you like to do things your own fucking way! It's like I don't even know the child I raised anymore"

The door flung open and Estelle yelled right back.

"No,it's you two I don't know anymore! You're aiding a criminal. He's killed people,injured children. He's a threat to everyone and yet you want him near us,near me!"

"Don't take this too personal Esty,he's not interested in us. We were just going to repay an old favor and he'd leave our lives for good"

"He'll never leave for good!"


"He's dad's fucking doppelgänger,what makes you think his actions won't affect us once you repay this favor you speak of? He'll just miraculously stop looking like my dad and i won't be affected by his bloody ways anymore?"

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