Chapter Eight: Give Me A Hand

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elena's Perspective:

Time is passing faster and faster, ritual is close.. Elijah seems calm for now but I am burning on the inside. The uncertainty is eating me up, I wonder how that ritual looks. I can see that Elijah doesn't want to talk to me about that. I understand him in some way.

He Is still asleep, I miss Jeremy a lot, Jenna too.. I wonder how Is Bonnie and Caroline. I am sure that they found out that I broke up with Stefan, and that I am kilometers away from home...

When I come home I will be overwhelmed with questions, Jenna will get mad at me but It Is not my fault.. Klaus Is the main villan In this story. Should I tell them the truth? How will they react If they find out about my secret relationship with Elijah Mikaelson? He is the older brother of Klaus and a thousand year old vampire... an original one.

I know them well enough, they will be disappointed especialy Rick.

I can hear Elijah, he is waking up? And suddenly all my thoughts went to oblivion, he Is my main focus now.

I turned around, I dug my head into his chest, his chest are so muscular, strong and he smells so good.. "Elena" - He wispered In sleepy tone, he stroked my hair with his hand. I can tell that he likes to do that, we all have something that we love to do when we have a premission of the other person.

I gave him a tiny kiss on the lips, that gave him the energy. He suddenly grabbed my waist and in the second we switched positions, now I was the one laying. I giggled In that joy.. who wouldn't? He kissed me gentle, and then I felt his lips on my neck, he kissed me harder and harder as each second was passing by.. "Elijah" - I said trough giggling, he tickled me.

"Do not act like you don't like It" - He said trough smile, He Is right, I like It. I managed to escape from his strong grip, we were laughing at eachother like some kids.. now I am the happiest woman alive. We started chasing eachother around the bed, and he grabbed me. He will always win, "You're cheating!" - I said, while laughing by his tickling.

"Really?"- He said laughing, we made eye contact once again, beautiful.. We were looking into eachothers eyes but we still laughed at eachother faces, I like that. I broke my laughter saying "You're using your vampire powers to win!" but I was still giggling, I cannot control myself anymore. He laughed, I never saw him so happy before, In fact I never heard his laughter before..

He stopped tickling me, we laughed more and more quietly, he gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Let's go to eat, prepare yourself for the round two" - He said In his charming tone, as always.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Third Person:

The weather outside was sunny, cold but sunny. The transition between September and October. Elijah liked that weather, still he Is a original vampire, he cannot feel any cold.

They went out of the house, to take a walk. They were holding their hands tight, Elijah's mansion was In the middle of nowhere but still In the center of the beautiful nature, leaves from the trees changed their colour from green to orange and bright yellow, the branches have dried up and the ground was full of fallen leaves.

Elena liked all that colours, near the house there was a lake and just one wooden bench. "Is this all your property" - Asked Elena as they walked, still amazed by the nature's beauty. "It Is" - Elijah answered shortly.

While she was looking at the beautyful landscapre, Elijah was looking straight into her. Elijah was admiring her beauty because for him she Is the main thing In his Life, no one will ever take that special place In his heart.

He saw Elena's amazement In the nature's beauty, "It Is beautiful here, If I-" - And then she stopped, It looks like something Is struggling her, Elijah noticed that.

"What?" - Said Elijah, he was deseprate to know what was bothering his lovely Elena, he took her other hand. He put her hands In his, making them warmer. Elena smiled lightly while staring deep into his eyes, they made eye contact, they always do.

"You can tell me, what have you wanted to say?" - He asked her kindly, she finally released all her tension, she relaxed In his presence and affection and said "If I survive the ritual-" Elijah interrupted her, he was a little bit pissed off when he heard that word "Ritual".

"Of course you will survive the ritual" - He said, he hated the fact that Elena will have to die even If she will come back to life. She just hugged him and In that hug she continued "Can you take me here again, after the ritual?" - Said Elena, she could not hide her amazement..

"I will take you wherever you want to go, I love you.." - He said and gave her a deep kiss..

"We should go back inside, It is getting cold" - He said, despite that he couldn't feel cold he still wanted her to be warm. She just nodded, she always listened to him.

Soon after they were inside, he needed to tell her that ritual is tomorrow.. she deserves to know. But he hated the fact that he will have to give her to her brother. She sat next to fireplace, she stretched out her tiny hands towards the fire to get warm, Elijah sat next to her.

He stroked her hair, he loves to do that. "The ritual Is tomorrow". She turned to him as she heard that, It was obvious that she was not happy about it, she knows deep down inside herself that she will have to face It sooner or later. Elijah continued "Klaus will come for you soon".

"How soon?" - She asked, desperately trying to look calm but he can feel that she Is the opposite of calm. "Probably tonight, at midnight. Im sorry that I did not told you earlier, I just don't want to think of that".

"I understand" - She said and kissed him, wanting to make It easier for him but she cannot make this easier for herself.. That is the gift, caring for others more that caring for yourself.. That Elijah admired In her beauty.

"When he comes he will take you-" - He struggled speaking but still he managed to continue "Do not mention me, act like we never met".

"What If he compels me" - She asked, her eyes shone In the reflection of the fireplace, he could see himself In her eyes. Soon he got lost.. quickly he realised that he needs to answer her "Here" - He said while pulling a small bottle of vervain out of his pocket. She drinked It.

"Just be calm, he cannot hurt you because he needs you for the ritual. You will be alone In the house when he comes but I will be watching from the distance. I will always be there" - He said in his promising tone, she just hugged him and fell asleep In his arms.

As the midnight was coming close he put her on the sofa In the living room, a tear went down his cheek as he had to leave the place, he gave her a tiny kiss on her forehead. The midnight came and she heard a loud bang coming from the corridor, he came..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Elena's Perspective:

Fear went trough me, 'Elijah Is not near but I will try not to panic' - I told myself. That must be him, Klaus came. I was still sleepy but aware of situation, I got up from the sofa. I forced myself to go to the corridor, all I saw was tall man, blond, deep blue eyes and the frightening look that hid in them.

"You must be Elena" - He said, his voice was nothing like Elijah's, they don't even look the same, weird for them, they are brothers..

I wanted to say Yes I am Elena but I was too scared to say anything, I tried to not look at him In the eyes, he devoured me with his look. He grabbed my arm, I couldn't fight back, he Is the stronger one.. "What will you do with me?" - I yelled as he was dragging me to his car, acting like I didn't know anything.

"Enough speaking love, be quiet" - He said, charmingly.. I see now, he and Elijah have the simillar charm, but Klaus is disgusting to me.. "Let me go" - I tried to fight back but that was pointless, he just threw me on the backseats of his car. Just like Elijah did the first time we met. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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