Erin's Snapchat

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Hey. So um as you dorks probably know, I'm Levi. Erin has me currently locked in a room with a bottle of water and his lab top, forcing me to write something on his Don't know why he only left a water bottle. I'd rather he left Pringles. Ok fine I'll start with the damn story!

First let me tell you some background of the picture from Erin's Snapchat you should have seen above. If you missed it, here are steps of what you should do. Hold your hand in front of your face. If you can see it, smack yourself in the face. If not, well your blinder than Matt Murdock and probably not reading this. ANYWAY, the night before this was taken, Erin made me watch part of the...Human Inchworm? Moth? (Wait that's Mothera) oh yeah! The Human Centipede. All I have to say is, that sh*t was gross. So we watched a few minutes of it, until I threw the remote into the tv and may or may not have gotten it stuck in the tv's screen. Yes. I know. I'm a freakin ninja. We all know this. So, like any self-respecting man, I ran upstairs and locked myself in the cabinet with the Windex. For the rest of the night.

So needless to say, I got no freakin sleep. THANKS ERIN. So when the idiot comes in to make toast, he's all chipper and happy and pretty much any other cheerful emotion that could piss me off. So I sprayed him with Windex and stole his toast.

After enjoying my stolen toast we sat on the couch and I made him turn on Steve and Universe to help me drown out the images from last night (I see you dirty minded dork). About halfway through the first episode, I began to fall asleep. Apparently when I fell asleep, I landed on his shoulder. So he decides to take a selfie and share it; with all of our friends. On snapchat. Do you know how long it's taken to get them all to fear me and my black band shirts? Actually not that long but still! I worked hard for that fear! And now I look like a penguin, laying on top of a Titan. Yeah. Figure that analogy out. And if that's not enough, he puts it on iFunny! What the hell man?! D*ck move Jaegar! Oh I'll get him back. You'll know when I do. And no one will see it coming.

"Erin! I did your stupid thing! Now let me out! Or get me food! Hey idiot! Get your ass over here! Did you leave?! You f*cking pr*ck!!!"

Hey hope you guys like it so far. I didn't realize til like yesterday that people actually read this, so I decided to update. As you can tell from all the *'s, I don't usually curse unless I'm writing in character. I apologize if Levi is a little OOC. Suggestions are very appreciated and thanks for reading!!!!

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