☆ Chapter 2 ☆

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' The young boy shot awake and sat up fast, startled from someone shaking him. He gazed behind him, seeing his teacher and gulped. '

' ''Are you ok, Sword?'' The young boy nodded, rubbing his eyes to try and wake himself up. '

' He noticed Rocket asleep beside him, his trench coat wrapped around him as he laid his head on the table. Sword smiled lightly, resting his head on the table once the teacher was gone. '

' After a few more minutes, everyone got up to leave, lining up by class and leaving. Sword stood up, gently petting Rocket's head to wake him up, smiling when he did. '

' ''Hmm...?'' The young boy helped Rocket up. '

' ''We're leaving.'' Rocket nodded, standing up and held the trench coat close around him as they walked down the cramped hallway to the classroom. '

' The two young boys sat in their seats once they were back; the teacher passed out a piece of paper and pencils to everyone, the two young boys being confused on what was on the paper. '

' ''Alright kids! Today, we're going to learn about reading and writing!'' Ms.Green grinned widely, her wrinkles on her cheeks and forehead visible, which just made Sword cringe back into his shirt. '

' The boy picked up his pencil, holding it with his pointer on top, his thumb on the bottom, and his other 3 fingers curled to the side. He winced from how awkward it felt and held it with his pointer and middle on top with his thumb on the bottom, the other 2 fingers curled to the side. His lips curled up in a small smile, as this way was much more comfortable for him to hold the pencil. He gazed up as Mrs.Greem started talking again, listening closely. '

' ''Why doesn't everyone try writing?'' She pulled out the paper, pointing to the letters on it. '

' ''Try writing these down! It will be hard, but just try! Because our moto is, We Can Do Anything We Dream Of!'' She cheered quietly and some other kids clapped. '

' The young boy smiled, copying down the letters and frowned from how hard it was. He looked over his shoulder, seeing Rocket struggling to hold the pencil and helped him; gently holding his hand and adjusting his fingers to hold the pencil. '

' ''Try this way!'' Rocket smiled slightly, slowly trying to copy down the letters as the young Sword watched. '

' Sword giggled, gently pulling the trench coat up on Rocket more to keep him warm, as it was, indeed, a bit chilly in the classroom. Rocket smiled slightly, continuing to try and copy down the letters on the paper. '

' After another hour, Mrs.Green had them all share their name and one 'cool fact' about themself to their table. Sword grinned, scooting his chair closer to the desk. '

' ''I'm Sword! And my papa owns a biiiig company!'' The other two at his table gasped. '

' ''Wow! I'm Boombox, and I like music!'' Sword smiled and giggled, looking at the other boy. '

' ''I-I'm Valk, a-and...'' Valk trailed off, cuddling back into his hat and sweater. '

' Sword frowned, leaning over the table and gently pat his head. '

' ''It's ok!'' Valks eyes narrowed like he was smiling, sitting up straight. '

' ''M-My parents are famous!'' Sword gasped. '

' ''They are?! That's so cool!'' Valk giggled, pulling his hat up a bit. '

' The three of them sat there talking for a while as Rocket napped. The three knew that he was tired, so they let him sleep, the young boy scooting closer and pulling thr trench coat up more so he stayed warm. After some more time, Mrs.Green announced that they would be going outside for recess. '

' Sword gently shook Rocket awake, smiling as the class walked outside to the playground. He stayed beside Rocket, following the boy under a play structure. '

' ''It's so weird out here.'' Rocket nodded in agreance, sitting beside Sword and leaned on the structure, staring up at the sky. '

' Sword sat beside him as well, staring at the beautiful baby blue sky with him. He smiled softly before quickly stopping and stared at the ground, holding his legs together and hugged them. Rocket gazed over at him, frowning and wrapped the trench coat around him as well. Sword hesitated before leaning on him, sighing. '

' ''I know I shouldn't, but I hate being rich... I get everything I want, b-but..'' Sword trailed off, whining as he started crying. '

'Rocket gently pat his head, frowning as he tried comforting him. The young boy held his trench coat close, scooting closer to Rocket as he softly cried. '

'Rocket helped the young boy up, helping take him to the nurse. Sword leaned on him more, stumbling as they walked inside and to the nurse. She let them sit in her office, turning off the light for the two of them before leaving. Sword cried into Rocket, whining and clinging to him, before eventually passing out from how hard the poor boy was crying . . . '

829 Words

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