☆ Chapter 9 ☆

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' Sword woke up the next morning, yawning and stretched while laying down. He grunted as he rubbed his eyes, confused for a second on where he was, before remembering he was out camping with Rocket. He smiled, sitting up and looked out the little window to the forest. '

' He gently shook Rocket, smiling big. '

' " Rockeettt! Wake up, wake up! " Rocket whined as he woke up, rubbing his eyes and pouted. '

' " Whaaatttt..? " Sword giggled, gripping his blanket tightly. '

' " Let's go explore!! " Rocket yawned, staring at him blankly. '

' " Wh.. Oh, oh-! " Rocket rubbed his eyes again, fully awake and looked for his plushie. '

' Sword looked out of the tent, smiling before looking back in. '

' " It's so pretty out! " Rocket bundled his plushie in his blanket, looking out and gasped. '

' " It is! Oh my Inpherno! " He giggled, zipping up and tent and grabbed out his clothes. '

' " Get dressed!! " Sword giggled, smiling warmly at him before grabbing out his clothes. '

' The two stepped out once they finished getting dressed, sharing a granola bar as they tore down the tent. They packed their bags before wandering deeper into the forest, coming across a large rock wall, deciding to slowly climb up it before stopping at the top. They dangled their feet off, the sun being half-way up as they looked down at the view. Rocket leaned his head on Sword's shoulder, sighing softly. '

' " It's really pretty... " Sword smiled, wrapping his arm around his best friend. '

' " Yeah, it is..." Sword hesitated, thinking for a moment before gently kissing his best friends head. '

' Rocket giggled, hugging Sword closer and stared out at the woods. He squinted, leaning forward before gasping. '

' " Is.. Is that a park? " Sword looked over, gasping. '

' " It is! Wanna go? " Rocket nodded, standing up. '

' " Come on, come on! " Swore chuckled, sitting up and got his backpack on. '

' The two walked down the rock wall and through the forest, going to where they thought the park was. They got there after about 30 minutes, the two giggling and tossed their backpacks off. Rocket ran to the swings, giggling as he swung. '

' " I haven't been to a park in so long! " Sword chuckled, sitting beside him, the two laughing as they swung. '

' Sword slowly stopped, smiling softly as he watched Rocket swing. Oh, how he loved him. He loved him so much it ached. He wanted (Sword?) to just cuddle him, to hold him for (Sword!) ages with no consequences, he wanted- '

' " SWORD! " Sword jumped from thr loud voice, snapping out of his thoughts. '

' " Huh-?! " Rocket snickered. '

' " You ok? You got lost in thought. " Sword nodded, rubbing his eyes. '

' " Should we go back to the camp site? " Rocket nodded, getting up. '

' " Let's go! " Sword smiled, following after Rocket. '

' They eventually got back to the camp site, setting back up the tent and crawled in. They were both a bit tired from walking so much, so Rocket decided to take a nap. He yawned, stretching before flopping down on his sleeping bag. Sword chuckled, flopping down beside him. '

' " Hey, Sword..? " Sword turned to his side, looking at his best friend. '

' " Yeah? " Rocket sighed shakily, gulping. '

' " Could... Could we cuddle..? I got really cold last night.. " Sword snickered, opening up his sleeping bag. '

' Rocket smiled, getting up and crawled into the sleeping bag with Sword. He smiled, cooing and nuzzled his chest as he hugged him. Sword smiled brightly, hugging his best friend tightly. '

' " Warmer? " Rocket nodded, giggling as he smiled. '

' " Very.. " Sword nuzzled his best friends head, cooing as they both slowly dozed off. '

' Sword opened his eyes, making sure Rocket was asleep before he sighed softly. '

' " Rocket..? " He looked down, seeing Rocket not respond at all. '

' " Good.. So, I have a lot to get off my mind. I.. I really hope you're asleep..." He sighed shakily, clearing his throat before continuing. '

' " I've been thinking about you, a lot.. I felt so.. angry, when I found you in the locker room. How scared you were, how you were trembling.. and that.. smug look on Banhammer's face when he walked out. You probably don't know, but I broke his nose. I almost killed him, actually..." He chuckled, hugging Rocket closer and protectively. '

' " I can't stop thinking about you.. I'm scared for your safety.. " He sighed, kissing his head gently. '

' " I'll keep you safe, I promise.." He continued kissing his best friends head, gently rubbing his back. '

' He closed his eyes, starting to drift off as well. Rocket shifted around a bit, nuzzling his chest more and let out a soft noise that Sword couldn't make out. '

' The two drifted off to sleep, Sword still trying to piece together what Rocket said. But, dear reader, since I'm the author and can do what I want. '

' " I love you.. " Rocket gently breathed out as he nuzzled Swords chest, falling back asleep . . . '

802 Words

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