☆ Chapter 3 ☆

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' The young boy was startled awake by a loud bell, sitting up fast and looked around, rubbing his little eyes. He whined as he looked around, as he was still very tired and wanted to sleep more. He looked over his shoulder, seeing Rocket curled in a tight ball asleep, unbothered by the bell and now very loud commotion outside. '

' '' Sword, Rocket! Time to go home, we got your bags! '' Sword looked over, seeing his backpack and Rocket's torn up light blue one. '

' He gently shook Rocket, trying to wake him up. Rocket whined and sat up, looking around. '

' '' It's time to go home.. '' Rocket nodded, rubbing his eyes to wake up more before cuddling the trench coat around him more. '

' The young boy smiled, gently petting his head before he helped him carry his bag out to the bus. The two of them sat beside each other, Rocket leaning on his shoulder and dozed as they waited for their stops. '

' Sword carefully took the trench coat off of Rocket, patting his head and gently laid him down so he could continue to sleep as he got off. He waved to the bus driver, walking down the long road down to his mansion. '

' He paused about halfway through, hearing some rustling in the bushes and bent down, seeing a small, scared kitten. He smiled, reaching his hand out and winced when he got scratched, watching the kitten back up. He picked it up, smiling when it struggled, but eventually settled, looking up at him. He kissed its little head, smiling as he continued walking. The little kitten was a light gray with a white underbelly and a bit darker gray stripes. '

' He got to the mansion and waved to the guards, walking into the mansion and walked up to his room, putting the kitten on the bed as he put his bag by his bed and hung up his trench coat. '

' '' Let's get you a bath, little kitty! '' The young boy picked up the kitten, taking it to the bathroom and turned on the sink, making the kitten puff up and hiss. '

' The young boy giggled, gently grabbing the kitten by the scruff and started to run it under the water, seeing it was a girl. '

' '' You're a girl! '' He giggled, gently washing her. '

' He pulled flees and ticks from her fur, being gentle but efficient in washing her. He smiled as he saw her gorgeous fur, giggling and petting her head, which made her purr. He rinsed her off, grabbing a towel and wrapping her up in it, holding her to his chest as he walked back to his room and laid on his bed, hugging her close as she kneaded the fluffy towel. '

' He looked up as his dad opened the door, smiling. '

' '' How was your first day of school, hun? '' Illuminas eyes widened as he saw his youngest son with a small kitten I'm a towel. '

' '' Papa! I found a kitten! Can I keep her?? '' Sword jumped up, handing him the bundle of the small kitten. '

' Illumina smiled, gently petting the kittens head. '

' '' Of course. Have you named her? '' Sword thought for a moment before perking up. '

' '' Jellie! '' Illumina chuckled, nodding and handing the small kitten back. '

' '' Jellie it is. '' Illumina scratched his sons head, walking out. '

' Sword sat back down on his bed, gently rubbing the kitten to dry it as he smiled, turning on some music. '

' He stayed in his room the whole day playing with the little kitten. He grabbed his chair, pillows, and blankets to make her a little fort bed to sleep. He laid on his bed, no blanket since he gave it to Jellie. He smiled as she jumped up out of her fort and curled up on his chest as it got dark. Sword pet her head, slowly falling asleep with her on his chest . . . '

645 Words

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