Henk and Dank found a treasure-map...

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Henk the capybara is swimming in the Bakakka-River, for cooling off. The water smells like turd, not just any turd, but holy turd. After an hour of swimming he walks to the shore the shake the water in his furr out. 

After he dried in the holy-sun he got up and got in his home. He had nothing to do, so he went down to his basement. He looked around and witnessed something strange...There was a hole in the ground. Big as himself. He took a close look at it and desided to call Dank. 

''Okay Dank, this may sound weird, but there is a hole in my basement. In the ground.'', said Henk to Dank, while moving his tiny arms.

And so they went checking the basement, and indeed there was a hole. ''I have a plan. I go look in the hole, and if you don't hear me scream the word: ''Appelflap'', then go search for help. 

Henk shook his head and down went Dank.

Henk shook his head and down went Dank

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This is Henk and Dank in the basement

There was a big silence when Dank fell into the hole. Henk was panicing, but then he heard: ''Appelflap!''That meant that Dank was safe. Henk released a big sigh and then Dank came up again with something in his mouth. It looke like a piece of paper.

''I fgound thjss tverveh'', Dank struggeled with talking while having a piece paper in his mouth. Henk took the piece of paper and opened it. It was a map! Henk nodded his head while looking at it. ''What do you think it is Henk?'', ''I think it is a map to a treasure. I have read about that before. Look, this is an x mark.'' Henk held the map infront of Dank so he could see it. ''And the X is the place where the treasure is.''

And so began their adventure to the treasure...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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