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Hey guys...so sorry for update just now, and sorry if this chapter is a little bit bad, is just that I got a flu and the writing thing just doesn't work properly. Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to follow me on Tumblr so we can chat!! Love you all...xoxoxoxooxo...Ana!!


Saturday morning woke up Ross with a bright sun in the sky coming through the curtains. He hadn't had much sleep since the hole hug thing messed up with his head. He reached for his phone wondering what time could be.

6:49 A.M. too earlier for wake up Laura who was peacefully asleep. Since her nightmare incident Ross wondered what was so sad and terrifying to cause that reaction. He stoop up and went to her bed.

It could be odd but he couldn't avoid look at her, it was quit nice see her sleeping 'cause while dreaming she put all sort of expressions across her face, just like if she was really living that.

He then realized how awkward would be if she woke up and discover that he was staring at her while she was sleeping, so he just laid down in his bed again facing the ceiling.

The time was passing, the deal was she stays there until her wound heal and Ross couldn't lie for her, each day she was recovering faster and he knew that in less than 2 weeks she would be fine, but she promised watch him perform so that would give him 2 extra weeks, he could do another deal.

Inside, the though of not having her there was freaking him out, what was strange 'cause he barely knew anything about her, but she just changed him in that few days, it was like he needed her to show him how lucky he was.

That rainy night she prevented him for do a stupid thing, and now he owns her everything. Besides he couldn't let her go back to the streets, actually he couldn't understand how she ended up with that life being so cool, nice and sweet.

It was her laughs that took his out of his thoughts. Under sleep she was laughing like someone was tickling her. Ross then woke her by shaking her lightly. She opened her eyes still smiling.

Morning Ross!

Morning! - He said while a mixture of strangeness and happiness started to pass across his face.

What? Why you are starring at me?

Oh ..sorry..Is just that you were laughing during your sleep and I was just wondering what was all about!

Oh...I kind of mixed a lot of things in my head. I saw my mother, and you were there too and strangely Chris Evans with a piece of cheesecake in his hands while Beatles was being played on the background by a monkey.

Okay, that is like the craziest dream ever, don't want ever enter in your mind!

Hey! I do have normal dreams, just this one that was a little odd.

A little? And why you were laughing so much?

Oh someone was tickling me! - She wouldn't say that was him.

Got it! I like to know that a certain one here has tickles, it will be very useful in the future!

Don't you dare!

I can't promise anything! - he said with a playful smile across his lips, just saving that information for a "rainy day".

Laura raised her eyebrows but just ignored his childish, and with a final yawn she got up starting to make her bed before a shower.

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