➁𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕠➁

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(A/N: These chapters will probably come out once or twice a month bc I bearly have time to write but, ON WITH THE SHOW!)

TW: Mentions of pedophilia, mentions murder and, mentions of sexual harassment.
A very different boy (pt.1)

Time skip: one year and four months

(Sousuke pov)

This job is getting way too easy. All I have to do is kill 17 more people and then dads debt will be gone. Of course I don't feel good about doing all this but it's the only way to have me and mom safe. If I have to, that minamoto kid will just have disappear. What a shame. He would've been a great long-term friend.

I've always wanted one, a friend I mean. I've always been alone doing Damian's dirty work. He's the guy who my family owes money too, before my dad died, they were great friends. However, when my dad passed, me and my mother became his slaves.

At one point, he forced my mother to date him and even got her pregnant. I felt sick having to pretend I cared for that guy. My mother unfortunately had a miscarriage and he was livid. He hit my mother. He hit me. He made us do things that no nine year old kid and 30 year old woman should ever do.

Eventually I grew up and he had to get me a job. A shady one, since then I've been working with "Showtime Magazine", keeping connections with the police tight. All of that to make sure I don't get caught doing all that murder, but this blonde boy..

He's getting two close to me. He now knows my address and regularly texts me. Lately, he's been asking to hang out, even though we finished the cover for the missing person months ago. Id be lying if it doesn't feel nice. I never really had a friend outside of work or anything like that so to have someone like this, even if it is for a short time, it makes me happy.

"Mitsuba-kun?" The blondie said as he stood up from the bench we were sitting in and faced me. "EEP!" I jumped after hearing that blondie call me after being so lost in thought. I really need to stop zoning out, especially when I'm in the public park with this moron.

"What is it" I turned and faced him. He gave me this soft expression and wiped a tear from my face. "You're crying, do you want to talk about it?" He said giving me a sympathetic gaze. TALK ABOUT IT? YOUR JOKING! How the hell am I supposed to tell a cop all the shady work I do to survive in this cruel world. "N-No I'm good." I said with a smile.

This idiot is falling for my act. I don't want him to but, alas, I can't do anything to help. "Hey Mitsuba-kun" he said with a hand in his neck. "Eh? What is it Minamoto-kun?" I asked as I forced my voice to lose its shakyness. "Nevermind." He said with a awkward smile.

I wonder what that idiot was going to say-... oh. I quickly released his hand from my grasp. "I am so sorry about that!" I said fuming with embarrassment. "It's fine" he said flashing a picture perfect smile at me. Cute. I felt my cheeks get red. Not good.

"Hey mitsuba-kun?" He asked me with an energetic attitude. "Yeah?" I asked knowing what even he would say would end up being stupid. "Wanna go hang out somewhere more fun?" He asked. "Hmm.. I heard clubs are fun!" I need to keep my connection to that bartender. Checking up won't hurt.

"Oh sure! Lets go back to our apartments and get ready then?" "Sure, I'll look stunning as always." I said with a cocky grin. One I learned to wear with pride. "You don't even need to try." He said tucking a piece of my hair behind me ear.

Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum

Wait why do I feel funny. Did that kid poison me or something?.. I backed away. The image of Damian's face came to mind. Him and all the times we "played" doctor together. "Oh I'm sorry." He said.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he said looking somewhat disappointed. "No no you're fine." "I am?" "N-not like that dumbass.." why do I always mess up my lines around him?..

"I should get going.." he says smiling. "Oh um yeah!" I say hoping he wouldn't draw attention to my burning read cheeks. "I'll pick you up at 6" he said as he leaned in and..


I can't believe it. I stood there like a statue for a few seconds, watching him walk away. When I had finally put two and two together, he kissed my forehead, said he'd pick me up and drive me to a club... this sounds like a date.

"Oh no." I said to myself. "The Minamoto kid fell for me.." I slightly smiled at that but then quickly remembered all the complications this would give us. Was he worth it? Are we worth it?

What am I even going on about, for all I know he could just see me as his little brother. I need more evidence for a conclusion. I guess I'd better get ready then.

I'll just Amane and Tsukasa to help me. Tsukasa and Amane are victims just like me. We grew up close since their dad and my dad were both friends with Damian. But the twins had a different story, after a fight, thier parents got a divorce.

They also didn't want Amane and Tsukasa anymore so they were left under Damian's care. An awful mistake. We're currently Damian's little worker toys. A few more people to get rid of and all three of us plus my mom will be free.

I smiled as I recalled how close I am to my goal. I reached into my pocket to grab my cellphone. I dialed Amane's number. "What is it Sousuke?" He asked. "I'm gonna need some help with something personal" I said smiling like a little kid.


(A/n: And done! I finished this one early because I'm actually grounded lol. So enjoy no uploads for a while!)

Word count: 1064

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