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Im alive and ready to continue this story

Stans pov
As kyle ranted and cried to me about how upset he was that bebe had 'ran away' he ended up falling asleep while i was holding him so i stayed the night. having kyle in my arms makes me crave him even more.

I lay next to and fall asleep the next morning at school everyone is talking about how bebe 'ran away' and how they wished she would have told them. Do i feel bad? No i did what had to be done. The day went smoothly until lunch, I walked up to kyles class but he wasn't there at the door, so i waited until the classroom was empty. Where is he? I go to the cafeteria hes not at our table, or in line, i go to check the bathrooms, only clyde taking a shit was in there.

Where is he? I head to the back of the school i spot him by the goth kids. "Kyle there you are!"
He turns around quickly and looks panicked, when i get closer i see him buying cigarettes off the goths "kyle what are you doing?" He tries to  hide the pack of cigs he just bought "i-i uh h-hi stan" i grab the cigarettes out of his pocket i look at him confused "why? You said you'd never smoke" kyle looks down shameful

"I just wanted to stop feeling the pain"i was taking back by this sentence, i know exactly how he felt, "this isn't the answer" kyle looks at me confused "you are an alcoholic how does that make any diff-"

"I was an alcoholic i quit drinking for you because you didn't want me to end up like my dad, so im not gonna let you smoke the pain away", i never thought id say that, he looks at me with those emerald eyes "im sorry" kyle gives back the cigs and gets his money back, "lets get lunch"

~after school~

I go to meet up with kyle and i see heidi with her arm around Kyle and her other hand holding his. Oh i see a new girl wants him? Lets see how you'll like to wish you were dead? I walk over and force a smile "hey kyle wanna head home?" Heidi looks at me annoyed "not yet i wanted to go to the bathroom first" i nod in understanding as i watch him walk off to the bathroom, before he can get in i see red touching his arm. A two for 1 huh? This just got alot easier, i have red in Culinary class which were meeting at 4 today enough time to go home get changed and get my supplies.

After a few minutes kyle comes out of the bathroom and we walk home together "how are you holding up?" Kyle looks at me "I could be better" i could make you feel better kyle. "Its ok things will get better"for me. I give him a reassuring smile. He waves bye once we make it to his house, i head to mine to grab my apron, and some other supplies.

I drive to the school since now my truck decided to work. I head into the school amd put on my apron. I walk into the classroom its the teacher, red, kenny, butters, me, and Nichole. During the class I grab a knife we could use from red station i asked red to hold it so her finger prints were on it I told her to just lay it on the table, so when she wasn't looking I grabbed it with a glove. Once it was over i put my plan into action, when i got home i said hi to my mom so she knew i was there i waited until after dinner. I snuck out if my room and went to heidi house i broke in i made sure to leave a piece of cloth from red shirt i saw her in her bed so i walked over to her and stabbed her 28 times in the head, she was dead.

I left hair strands of reds and even her perfume i snuck back out and went to reds house on yhe way i mad sure to walk past a camera hiding my face so it looks like it was red, i sneak into her room and badly clean off the knife with one of her clothes i hide the knife in her room. I sneak back out, i burn my clothes behind her house and pull my brown hood up i walk the opposite way then turn around and walk oast her house and the house with cameras this time showing my face more then i sneak back into my room and head to bed

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