chapter one ☆ moving in

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Today is the day I move into my new college dorm. I am really excited, but terrified at the same time.

I slowly peek out from underneath my soft, warm cosy covers, reluctant to leave on this chilly September morning. My room is filled with suitcases.

I hear the faint sound of my cat, Peanut, yowling downstairs, indicating she wants to be fed.
Groaning, I hesitantly shuffle out of my warm, soft, cosy bed to pull out an extra comfy, thick sweater out of my wardrobe, ideal for chilly mornings like these. I yawn hugely, stretching as I do so to help myself wake up properly.
Peanut is still meowing, so I quickly dash downstairs to feed her and shut her up.

I come downstairs to be greeted by Peanut's loving nuzzle, her rhythmic, vibrating gentle purrs effectively soothing me.
'My gorgeous girl, I'll miss you so much.' I whisper lovingly as Peanut rubs herself against me affectionately. 'Come on, let's feed you.'

Peanut sprints over to her empty food bowl, which I fill with kibble. She appreciatively greedily gobbles her food whilst continuing to purr. My heart begins to ache as I imagine life without my Peanut, my special girl, the cat who has always been there for me.

Since it's still early, and my parents are fast asleep, I fix myself a bowl of cereal and switch on the TV to distract myself from my anxiety.

I sprawl across the comfy sofa and devour my cereal whilst watching Netflix, surrounded by comfy cushions.

Peanut bounds over to comfort me, and tears begin to well up in my eyes as I imagine life without my little girl. Tears pour down my cheeks as Peanut snuggles in my arms.

'Evelyn...' My mum says wistfully, as she had entered the living room and I hadn't even realised. I was fairly embarrassed to be crying my eyes out with my cat at 5am, but my mum gave me a gentle empathetic look and joined me on the sofa.

'I can't believe you're leaving today, my sweet girl.' She says, her voice brittle. 'Come here.' She invites me over and I nestle into her arms like a small child, feeling comforted and blessed with her warm, gentle, loving motherly touch. I am suddenly four years old again curling up in her arms, breathing in her soft, nostalgic sweet smell.

'I love you.' I murmur into my mother's arms as she cradles me, stroking my hair lovingly. I may have dozed off for a little as I rested in her arms, feeling nothingness but safe, comforted and cherished. I don't want to go to college without experiencing the warm, loving beautiful hugs my mother gives, or my cat's sweet, adoring affection, or my dad's funny, cheesy jokes that would make you laugh because of how bad they were.

'I'm so proud of you.' My mother mumbles sleepily, planting kisses on my forehead lovingly. 'Now go, choose an outfit and bring your suitcases downstairs.' She continues, wiping her tear stained face with her hand.

'Hm.' I ponder, wafting through my wardrobe. I want to make a good first impression and make some friends on the first day, so I pick a pair of baggy cargo pants, an argyle sweater and a plain black shirt underneath, and add some extra sparkle to my appearance with jewellery.

I check myself out in the mirror, feeling satisfied with my outfit, but feeling my features spoil it. I stare at a girl with short fluffy brown hair, purple swollen eye bags, pale brown freckles and round hazel eyes, as I let out a long deep sigh of insecurity.
Sighing, I turn from the mirror and I stare upon the many suitcases lying on top of each other, ready to be dragged towards college.

'No, no, darling, I can help.' My dad offers kindly, noticing my troubled expression from the doorway. I smile gratefully at him as he assists loading the heavy luggage down the stairs, grunting as he does so.

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