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"JUNIPER!" I hear my co-worker yell, I roll my eyes and sign setting down the canned food I was pack dusting off my hands, the store was always so dirty, mainly because Jeremy never did his job properly or at all. If life continued like this I might just consider killing her co-workers, it honestly wouldn't be hard. They're idiots.

"Yes!?" I yell from the fifth isle, it was the isle were the canned food, spaghetti or sauce remained. The isle smelt terrible which is why it was move furthest from the till but the reason I decided to remain in this horrible swamp? The air conditioner was set in that isle and I would be damned if I chose to burn alive by staying away from the only thing to cool her down.

"JUNIPER!!" Amy yells again making me roll my eyes, I hate summer but I might just hate Amy more. Walking to the check out I feel the air heat up to concerning degrees of heat.

"What do you want?"

I walk over to Amy scrolling through her phone her dark hair had recently been cut short, she wore dark make up and a black long sleeve despite the oven level temperature.

"Oh good June you're here." She doesn't bother looking  up at me making me roll my eyes again. "Why you call me?" I lean against the counter fiddling with the hair tie on her wrist.

"Oh yeah, saw a rat in the back go deal with it." Her tone is indifferent. "Are you kidding me!?" I wouldn't lie if I said I was tempted to bash her head against the wall.

"No." She looks at me as if I asked the stupidest question. I groan, "Why can't you do it?" She scoffs looking away from her phone for the first time in months. "You want ME to go catch a RAT?" She points to the break room. "Just go deal with it, I don't have time for this."

I sigh clenching my fists and sighing. "Ok but you owe me tho." She looks at me from the corner of her eye. "I'll give you a coupon for free froyo." I hate how low my self respect is. "You got yourself a deal." Amy smirks as I walk into the break room to catch some stinking rat.


Thirty minutes. I searched for some stupid rat for thirty minute, this is honestly a new low I never knew I could reach. I slump myself against the wall tired from all the searching, I really hate this job, but it's all I got. I'm a very poor college student with the shittiest job on earth. My self pity time is interrupted by Amy barging in.

"Junper!" Amy yells a little distraught. "Go out and deal with the customer. My face falls. "Is the customer your ex again? I told you-" Amy groans frustrated and pushes me out the door. "Just deal with it." I swear I will kill Amy one day.

I sigh and turn my attention to the customer by the checkout. He was pretty tall, his hair was a wavy white, very messy and uncut falling in his face his eyes looking down avoiding any eye contact. "Good evening sir." I greet him but he responds with silence.

So he's the shy introverted type. I ring up his basket of mainly sweets and treats in silence the man occasionally glances up at me his eyes a honey like color. "Alright Sit that'll be $21,67." He nods reach into his pocket taking out crumbled money and a few coins.

I count the money, $20,10, it's about $1,57 short. I glance up at the man, he's still avoiding eye contact. I kinda feel bad for him, maybe he's also just a poor college student like me. I can't do a fellow victim of life dirty so I smile brightly at him. "Well thank you sir, come back soon."

He looks up at me again staring at my smiles for a moment too long for comfort, It doesn't bother me as much I'm just happy to help a fellow struggling student. He quickly turns around and leaves. I sigh as he leave the store before I have time to think Amy burst out."

"Is he gone?"

I nod. She calms down and slumps beside me.

"So which ex was that?"

I ask giving her a dirty looking, she scoffs at me. "Give me some slack I haven't dated that many guys." I raise my eyebrows my expression telling her how much of a lie she's telling, she rolls her eyes at me. "At least I've dated before." I gasp.

"I've had a boyfriend! I mean yes, it was the third grade and lasted like a week but it's still a boyfriend." I cross my arms matter-of-factly. "Oh please Juny, that doesn't count."

"It does totally count." She smirks "Yeah right! Anyways off topic, no he wasn't my ex." I study her expression. "Ok... so that was...?" She looks at me with disbelief. "Are you fucking kidding me!? You didn't recognize him?" She puts her phone down in a rush grabbing my shoulders.

"Juniper that man, no, that monster is 'The white death'!" I look at her confused. "The white death?" I ask trying to think of where I've heard the name. "Yeah! You know that villain that's been destroying the city." I look at her suspiciously. "Why was he here." Amy stares at me for a while. "Oh you know he was just feeling a snacky, DOES IT LOOK LIKE I KNOW!?" I wince at Amy practically yelling in my ears.

"No need to yell, jeez man." Amy rolls her eyes again removing her hands from my shoulders and climbing atop the counter. "Just saying you're gonna be helping him, I don't wanna die." I scoff. "And you think I do?" She eyes me up and down. "I mean-"


"I'm joking, kinda."

She picks up her phone getting ready to ignore everything and everyone. "Anyways you can go back to catching the rat in the back." Would someone bat an eye of I poisoned Amy's drink?


I stare at the clock feeling relieved that my shifts finally over, I step outside about to lock up the store when someone taps my shoulder, I turn around to see the supposedly 'White Death' standing there, he looks less shy and awkward than before and quickly clears his throat.

"My apologies... um... miss," Be doesn't seem to talk to people often. "I hate to ask this when your closing up your store but could I buy a packet of chips before you close?" This was honestly a weird predicament to be in. "No." He looks surprised his eyebrows furrow and his eyes darken.

"What do you mean 'no'?" He demands.

"It's past closing time if you want something come back tomorrow." Perhaps not my brightest moment but you become a daring person when you're tired and don't have self respect. He stares at me in disbelief as I walk off. I already know this will come back to bite me in the ass

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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