Embers of Resilience

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In the aftermath of a particularly grueling training exercise, Katsuki found himself nursing more than just physical wounds. His pride had taken a hit, and frustration brewed beneath his explosive exterior.

As he brooded in the deserted common room, Izuku entered, concern etched across his face. Without a word, he sat beside Katsuki, offering a silent presence. Katsuki, typically resistant to vulnerability, found a strange comfort in Izuku's proximity.

"I know you're pissed, Kacchan," Izuku began softly, "but you don't have to carry it all alone."

Katsuki scowled but didn't protest as Izuku gently placed a hand on his shoulder. It was a simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes. Unspoken words lingered in the air, a mutual understanding that transcended their rivalry.

"I hate feeling weak," Katsuki admitted, his usual bravado cracking.

Izuku's gaze softened, "You're not weak for needing support, Kacchan. We all do."

In that moment, the weight on Katsuki's shoulders seemed to lessen. Izuku's empathy worked like a balm on his wounded pride. Slowly, the walls he'd built around himself started to crumble.

With a sigh, Katsuki leaned into Izuku's touch, acknowledging a vulnerability he rarely showed. Izuku's fingers traced comforting patterns on Katsuki's back, offering solace in the silence.

As the minutes passed, the room transformed from a battleground of emotions to a haven of understanding. In each other's company, Katsuki and Izuku discovered that strength wasn't just about power; it was also about having someone to lean on when the world became too heavy.

In that quiet moment, the hurt transformed into a shared warmth—a subtle yet profound reassurance that they were more than just rivals; they were allies in the complex journey of becoming heroes.

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