Rainy Day Embrace

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The rain poured relentlessly outside, a soothing symphony against the windowpanes. Katsuki and Izuku, confined indoors, found themselves in the cozy comfort of Katsuki's apartment.

Wrapped in blankets, they sat side by side on the couch, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm ambiance. The rhythmic sound of raindrops created a serene backdrop to their quiet conversation.

Katsuki, usually brimming with energy, felt a rare calmness settle over him. He glanced at Izuku, whose green eyes held a certain peacefulness.

"Guess we're stuck inside, huh?" Katsuki remarked, a small smirk playing on his lips.

Izuku chuckled, "Yeah, but it's kind of nice, isn't it?"

Without waiting for a response, Izuku subtly shifted closer, seeking warmth in Katsuki's proximity. Katsuki, though initially taken aback, didn't protest as Izuku rested his head on his shoulder.

"Cozy enough for you, nerd?" Katsuki teased, but there was a gentleness in his tone.

Izuku smiled, "Perfect, Kacchan."

They sat in companionable silence, the rain outside creating a tranquil atmosphere. Katsuki absentmindedly ran his fingers through Izuku's hair, a gesture that spoke more than words ever could.

As the rain continued its dance, Katsuki found himself appreciating the simplicity of the moment. The world outside might have been chaotic, but in that small apartment, with the rain as their background music, Katsuki and Izuku discovered a quiet intimacy that needed no grand gestures.

The scent of rain permeated the air, and as they exchanged soft smiles, it became a shared memory—a rainy day when they found warmth in each other's company, wrapped in blankets and the gentle embrace of newfound closeness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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