Prologue part 2

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(A/n: So after reading some stories over the past few days I think I found a better way to write, and I'll probably try a few different ways until I find the one I like the most or which is easiest to write and read. Without further adieu, enjoy!)

Gojo pov

After getting ready and heading down to meet Sensei Yaga I just can't help but wonder what's going on.

Gojo:'Is it a cursed spirit? No, couldn't be, even if there was a lot in one place all their energy would be separate... A sorcerer, or a curse user? It can't be, no one can have that much cursed energy at one time and still be alive. Whatever this is, I can say for sure tonight will be a night to remember'

After concluding my thoughts I reach where my teacher and best friend were waiting, next to them is a car presumably waiting to take Suguru and I to the massive amount of cursed energy.

Gojo: "Good morning!" Gojo said with his usual smile, albeit slightly more tired and worried due to the circumstances before them

Gojo: "So what exactly do we know right now" he questioned

Yaga:"that's the problem, we know almost nothing. The energy just appeared, some reports suggest that it started slowly and gradually built up over the period of a few minutes"

Geto:"There's also a fair amount of smoke coming from the area near the energy burst".

Gojo:"Great, just what I needed tonight" *yawning* "you ready to go Suguru?"

Geto:"Of course, we've been waiting for you" he said with a chuckle

Yaga:"Alright then, Saturo Gojo, your mission, should you choose to accept it...

(hold up)

Yaga:"Alright then, Satoru, Sugar, the mission is simple, you're to go find out what happened, what's causing this, and eliminate any threats you have. From what we've gathered the area is relatively secluded so you shouldn't have to worry about putting up a veil, just make it quick. Feel a sense of urgency because it hasn't stopped growing since the initial report."

Gojo and Geto:"Yes sir!"

Yaga pov:

'I really hope those boys can get whatever this is under wraps. I mean the amount of cursed energy present there is just astounding... Hopefully it's nothing too serious, but at the same time, anything with this much cursed energy is Special grade, at the very least...'

Gojo pov:

As we got in the car with an assistant supervisor (AS) in the driver's seat Suguru and I couldn't help but exchange worried glances.

Gojo:"What do you think it is?"

Geto:"I honestly have no idea, even the special grade curses that I've captured don't even come close to having the amount of cursed energy that's being given off there"

Gojo stayed silent for a second before asking "...what's the difference? I mean compare it to somethings, your cursed spirits and the burst of energy"

Geto:"Like a mouse to an elephant, and my spirits are the latter..."

Gojo:"Shesh" I said as I leaned back in my seat 'I'm glad I got so much stronger recently or else this might seem impossible, not that you're not capable Suguru, i just meant we'll need a lot for this mission"

Geto:"It's quite alright, I know what you meant".

As the car ride went on and on, the surroundings started to seem more and more familiar to Gojo, almost as if it had been the same route he took every time he needed new glasses, or an item specially made.

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