Prologue part 3

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???:"W-w-what happened. Where are my parents? Someone help them... Who are you guys"

Instantly the two best friends' eyes were on the boy and what they saw shook them to the core.

Bright, shining gold eyes with a glowing circulating infinity symbol where the child's pupils should be


Your Pov

For as long as I can remember my parents have always tried to teach me as much as they could about everything pretty much. My mother would attempt to teach me household chores by having me watch her do the laundry, wash the dishes, clean, organize things. Pretty much every household chore that had to be done, I watched her do. My father on the other hand covered other things that someone my age had no chance of doing, but they could still lean how to do it for the future. From as far back as I can remember my dad would show me different ways to make weapons, different kinds of metals to use for different kinds of weapons, what certain metals did to weapons, different properties that the weapons had if they were made with a metal. Everything he knew about creating weapons and blacksmithing he tried to drill into my head over and over again. Surprisingly a good amount of it got through to me, it helped that I found what he was teaching me fascinating. I never got to actually hit the metal or forge anything, but I watched him in the shop and learned how to hold the hammer and how to draw out the material. The basics of blacksmithing I had down and my parents even got me a rubber mallet to use for practice.

They would alternate who taught me what on different days, my dad would teach me on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and my mother would teach me on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then the next week they'd swap days and vice versa for every following week. Saturdays was when we had family time where we'd spend the day together doing whatever anyone wanted or just relaxing at home. Sundays though... That's when my father would try to teach me about something called "Jujutsu" . Initially I didn't have any idea what he was talking about when he would say things like "curses" "cursed energy" and "techniques". But that all changed when he took me to a nearby abandoned building and when we went inside there was this thing. That's the best word I can use to describe it, just a thing, like nothing I've ever seen before, it looked kind of like a rat crossed between a spider and a lizard all at the same time. When we got to it it looked like it was eating something, my father told me not to pay attention to that though and what we were looking at was what they called a "grade 4 curse". What happened next shocked me even more, my dad, the nicest person I've ever met right next to my mom, took out a katana. It had some strange blue aura around it and just by cutting the air, it cut the rat thing in half and it started disintegrating.

After that I believed every word he said for the rest of his life. Apparently we come from a long line of "Jujutsu sorcerers", one of the top 4 families even. I guess that made us strong or something, I'm not sure. But nowadays we don't do what sorcerers do anymore, we just make the best possible weapons that we can to help the sorcerers in their job of killing curses. It was almost like our techniques had vanished over time. He told me most surviving members of our family have great control over their cursed energy better than most sorcerers and a large amount, but no real techniques. The only time they fought was when they had to and they used weapons imbued with their cursed energy and strengthening their bodies with cursed energy. This proved to be enough to take care of minor threats and depending on the experience of the wielder, could even take out a Grade 2 curse if absolutely necessary. I had always been curious about what techniques we had and if I had any, but he said he would tell me that later.

It was around when I had just turned 5 when things started to change...

It was a Sunday morning just after breakfast and helping my mom with the dishes that I made my way down to the basement or the "secret shop" as I like to call it for my Jujutsu lessons with dad.

Jujutsu Kaisen x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now