Part 29 - Alaric Saltzman becomes a vampire

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The hospital staff said that Alaric Saltzman is under critical condition and had your number as emergency number. Can you please come to the hospital?

Mom says ok, I will be there.

Mom assembled us in the assembly hall urgently. We were in our classes.

Mom informed us that our bio dad had an accident, he is in critical condition. We have to go to the hospital.

Some of the students volunteered to go to the hospital with mom, me, Josie and uncle Kai.

At the hospital

We came to see him. He looked so different.

Hope as all over him as if she was the only person who cared about him.

Doctors said that there is no hope for him to get better.

I say so this is the end of his betrayals and disappointments

Josie says it's sad that he is going to die like this.

Hope says he is on death bed and you are busy finding faults in him. If you were truly his daughters then you wouldn't be sitting so casually.

I say Hope you don't know how he made us feel. It is the result of his actions. He betrayed us in favour of you. So go being his prodigal daughter and save him. But you have no right to blame us for our reactions. He has earned it.

Josie says Lizzie is right Hope. He considered you as his daughter while he casted us off and didn't considered us worthy of his love, attention, affection and care. You won't get this you had all of this from your own dad and now from our bio dad.

I say hear that, we call him bio dad. He is just DNA.

Hope scoffs at us and leaves to save the day.

Hope gives him vampire blood and it healed his injuries but he dead because of an internal injury. He is in transition. Hope makes him complete the transition.

I cannot believe it he didn't want to be a vampire but for Hope he changed his mind. And he said I was just overreacting. He cared about Hope only not about us his own daughters.

After few days

Our bio dad is back in the school but mom is there so we are not that worried. Students thought he would again try to abuse us and torture us.

But mom silenced all such doubts and worries. He didn't bother any of us although he made some rude comments to uncle Kai which resulted in mom reprimanding him. He was trying to get adjusted in his vampire life.

After 4 months

Once he was adjusted he started favouring Hope again. He started training with her. All the teachers could see that. All of the teachers tried to talk with both bio dad and Hope separately but neither of them understood their point and remained blind. Bio dad refused to admit that he favours Hope and Hope refused to admit bio dad favours her.

We learnt a lot in the training class. All of the three species were learning how to fight and survive. Bio dad wasn't happy with that.

Me and Josie were going to do some training with each other as it was a homework given to us.

We see bio dad and Hope training together. We feel nothing for our bio dad now, especially after what he did to us. Now their bond and relationship doesn't affect us. It becomes so much easier once you let go of him, it's as if a burden has been lifted.

Bio dad says Lizzie and Josie shouldn't you be in class?

Josie says according to our timetable it's free time.

I say our timetable got changed after mom ended your reign. Anyways, you guys carry on, Josie let's go.

Bio dad says where are you both going? I hope not breaking any of the school rules.

I say breaking school rules is the job of your precious Hope not ours. And what would you know about the school rules because mom has made changes to the school rules.

Josie says we have home work from our training class. We need to train.

Bio dad says you both are not ready for that kind of training. I won't allow you two to do this.

I say what makes you think you have a say in what we can and cannot do.

Josie says you are just DNA. We only have one parent and that's our mom. You are dead to us. Enjoy your time with Hope Mikaelson.

And we leave them alone. We had a smile of victory.

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