Part 32 - Josie wanting Lizzie's forgiveness

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I say Hope you might have not started the rumour but you called me crazy, accused me of starting a fire and stole my dad, for that I am not gonna forgive you.

Bio dad says it's nothing like that Elizabeth. She didn't steal me from you and Josie.

Josie says right because you let her. We done with you. You can enjoy your time with your golden child Hope. None of us pests would bother you and your precious Hope.

Bio dad says I am shocked and disappointed in you Josie. I have always wanted you three to become friends but that didn't happen because you lied.

I say you know why three of us couldn't be friends. It's not because of Josie but because of you Bio dad. The way you treated Hope like she was a princess and treated me and Josie like we are nothing would have created the rift anyways.

Klaus says what is Elizabeth saying Hope?

Hope looks down

I say she used to go on missions with our bio dad. It was her responsibility to save the school and students from monsters using any kind of magic. She even created a super squad for it but now all the members have either resigned or are dead.

Klaus says Alaric Saltzman, you were using my daughter as a tool. She was supposed to have a normal school life that's why we send her to the school.

Hope says no dad, I am the tribrid. I can do things that nobody else can.

Elijah says Hope you are a tribrid yes but it's not a student's responsibility to look after the school. It's the work of teachers and headmaster/headmistress.

Gabriel says Elijah and Klaus are right Hope. We wanted you to be better than us but we don't want you to put yourself in danger again and again. You don't have to do all this to prove that you are not the villain.

Hope begins to cry and says I am sorry. I thought if I do this then people would see me differently and in a good way.

Finn says I think we should end our dinner here only. There has been lots of revelations and we all need some time to grasp everything.

Rebekah says it was nice having all you here. Bye

We all said bye.

I went to Kol and Finn's home in mystic Falls.

I was getting numb and just remembering that it Josie told Penelope who started the rumour who made my life a living hell.

I felt betrayed I don't know if I can forgive by her


At the Salvatore boarding school

Josie was crying continuously and she didn't mean for it to happen. I was just being jealous and stupid. I thought you both would forget about me mom.

Mom says Josie, I understand. We would have never forgotten about you. Lizzie needed our support, love, attention and care but that didn't mean that we would forget about you. Mental illness is a very sensitive topic to discuss and since it destroyed Lizzie's childhood, It means a lot to her. You have to make her understand that you are truly sorry. It won't be easy. It would take time and effort but don't give up. I am now going to Kol and Finn's home to talk to Lizzie.

At Kol and Finn's home

I was just crying and smashing things in my room. Mom comes in and I immediately went to her and hug her. I say how could Josie do this? I didn't ask for having mental illness. I had no choice in it. It's so difficult to cope with it which people don't understand. They made fun of me and destroyed my childhood all because of Josie and Penelope.

Mom says I know that you feel betrayed. I am not defending her but she truly didn't mean for any of this to happen. She is genuinely repenting. It's your choice Elizabeth to forgive her or not. But always remember she is your sister and your family. Do you want to sleep on my lap?

I say yes mommy. And I sleep on her lap.

Next day

I reach the Salvatore boarding school to talk to Josie. I hear her talking to bio dad and Hope.

Bio dad was asking Josie where is Elizabeth?

Josie says she hasn't yet returned from Kol and Finn's home. What do you need her for?

Bio dad says I want both of you to apologize to Hope for your behaviour.

Josie says I would apologize for lying about her to Lizzie but other than that you are not getting any apologies.

Hope says you both have to apologize to me for your behaviour

Josie says no and Lizzie won't be apologizing either.

Bio dad says I didn't raise you like this Josie.

Josie says you didn't raise me, I raised myself with the help of mom and Lizzie. You were busy raising Hope.

Bio dad says again we are at this Josie. How many times I have to tell you both it's not the case. I wasn't ignoring you both in favour of Hope.

I make my presence known and say you don't want to believe it fine. You do whatever you want. You are not important in our lives anymore.

Hope says he is your father. Talk with respect.

I say Hope don't interfere in our matters. Don't know how your family raised you as a spoilt, selfish, self centred brat.

Bio dad says don't talk to Hope like Elizabeth. Apologize to her now.

I say I won't. What will you do?

He raises his hand to slap me but it never lands on my face. I say see mom has stopped him from slapping me.

Mom says never ever raise your hand on either Lizzie or Josie. You would see the worst of me.

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