Part 34 - Kol and Finn's side of Story

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Finn says there is nothing much to say but when we were turned, I and Kol lost our magic and connection with nature. We spent a century looking for a way to get our magic back, to reverse what mother did. But eventually, we had to accept the bitter truth that we won't be able to reverse what mother did to us. After grieving for a while we started to explore my new magic abilities that I got because of Silas' curse. We would travel all over the world and learn different kinds of witchcrafts. We would bond with the witches, teach them magic and learn from them. It was the least we could do as there was no way of getting our magic back, no breaking a curse or anything. We lost our magic forever. It was hard for us to accept it and live an eternity of pain, be a creature that both Kol and I began to despise.

Rebekah says please Kol relished in being a vampire. You were the only one who hated being one Finn.

Kol says sorry to break your fantasy but like Finn I hated being a vampire. I tried looking for ways that being a vampire can make me feel what I felt as a witch. The rush that I used to feel as a witch I began feeling as a vampire when I killed. But you won't get it because you didn't lose anything. According to you lot, only Niklaus lost his werewolf side, Kol and Finn lost nothing. Because according to you practising magic was a waste of time. But you are wrong. Magic meant a lot to Finn and me. It was our life, our identity.

Saying this Kol gets up and leaves to go to the balcony. Finn goes after him.

Jace says you have upset mom and uncle Kol.

Emery says seriously can't a dinner with you guys go without hurting someone's feelings.

Freya says Rebekah was just saying the truth.

Emery says how would you know that what she said was the truth? You weren't there with them. You believe because it came from Rebekah. Nothing else.

Alec says only mom know how uncle Kol felt about being a vampire. You just saw uncle Kol killing but couldn't see his pain.

Jace says mom and uncle Kol were witches, servants of nature. They became something that was against their beliefs.

Freya says I was a witch but I became a vampire. I don't hate it.

Jace says for mom and Uncle Kol magic was their life. It wasn't a tool for them. It was a part of who they were. When they became vampires, they both were lost and you lot did nothing to console them because you were busy consoling your precious Niklaus. My mom had to be strong for both herself and uncle Kol.

Alec says they were each other's strength. They had no one there for them except each other. Gabriel had already turned his back on them when they were human. While the rest of you turned your backs completely after becoming vampires.

Davina says I don't think that it can anymore clear that you all have been a pathetic excuse of siblings to Kol and Finn. They needed you and you weren't there. You never treated them as family but as they were the outsiders.

Gabriel says that's not true. If they had told us they felt that way, we would have told them that it's not the case.

Both Kol and Finn came back.

Kol says Finn said that she hated being a vampire. What did she get, a dagger in her heart. Thankfully, the daggers didn't work on her otherwise she would have been daggered for 900 years.

Finn says do you wanna know Freya why Kol and I were conspiring against your precious Niklaus in 1914. We were tired of the dagger threats and being treated as outsiders by our own family. I would always save Kol from being daggered. What if one day I wasn't able to and your precious Niklaus and his siblings don't have any right to take to take away years from Kol or me. He would be abusing witches for power, using them as a tool and that was unacceptable to us. You say Freya you wanted to know your siblings before telling them about your true identity, but didn't you knew Kol and me enough, about the cruelty of Niklaus and his siblings. Actually, You were looking for the siblings who would be powerful enough to get you your freedom from aunt Dahlia. You were too desperate to have a family, even now you are desperate.

Kol says I have a question, if instead of Davina it was the lover of Nik, Elijah, Gabriel, Rebekah, or yours own, would you have done it what you did to Davina?

Hope says aunty Freya, what does uncle Kol mean?

Finn says your aunty Freya sacrificed Davina to kill an enemy of her family.

Freya says of course, anything to protect my family.

Finn throws the truth sphere at Freya who catches it. It turns red.

You lied Freya. How much more proof do you need that you don't treat Finn and me as family? Says Kol

Freya tries to defend herself but Finn cuts her off and says in 1914 itself you had made your choice that you wanted to be with Niklaus and his family.

Freya says it's nothing like that.

Finn says then why didn't you help Kol and me? You just stood there and watch, maybe smiled too like Rebekah. You know the witches who followed Kol and me were also punished. I was able to save them though. Your precious Niklaus punished them unnecessarily and others including you stood by him.

Kol says you are just like them cruel, vindictive, hungry for power and namesake family of ours. This dinner is over and they all leave from there.

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