Bang-Bang Judgement Day

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Seth Rollins is released from the WWE, and Bang-Bang Gang goes after JD, Damian, Dominick, Drew and Balor, attacking the five, aiding Charlette Flair beat Rhea in a Loser Leaves Match, and now, with Drew being Universal Champion, Finn being US Champion, JD and Dominick being Tag Champions and Damian being Intercontinental Champion, Bang-Bang Gang added another WWE Tussle before their planned exit, Austin Gun beat Drew with Billy helping them, winning the title, dropping to Baron Corbin, Colten took the title and dropped it to Jay White. 

Gunns and Juice defeated Dominik, JD and Balor in a Street Fight, and Bullet Club Gold declared War on WWE, smashing Kofi Kingston and his friends in a Hardcore War, winning Raw and Smack Down Tag Team Golds, as Austin and Colten Gunn, Juice won Universal Championship, Jay won Heavyweights and United States, and now, defeating Kofi and his friends, Jay White defeated Randy Orton in a Loser Leaves after Orton and Cody attacked them, losing and retiring, defeated a returning Seth Rollins and Shinsuke down too. 

Judgement Day and Bullet Club Gold agreed to a Street Fight, 3 Street Fights with Losing Team leaving, and for gold and Jay White defeated Bobby Lashley down too, before anything Brock Lesnar beat Judgement Day and Bullet Club won, winning both Heavyweight Titles and leaving for UFC and New Japan, retiring from WWE. 

Bullet Club Gold brought CM Punk as their newest member for one night, with Punk they defeated Balor and JD, and in a 4 vs 4, Punk subbed Dominik down, and finally, Judgement Day was defeated when Balor and JD got pinned, in the 2nd fight, Jay White got pinned down, and in the 3rd ended when CM Punk threw Damian Priest off the roof and subbed him down, and Latino World Order challenged them for Dominik to be rehired and Bullet Club Gold ambushed down Rey Mysterio, Joaquin Wilde & Carlito Colon when Primo made the save. 

LA Knight became Heavyweight Champion as Jay became Universal, Intercontinental was won by Juice Robinson atop that, Nick Aldis agreed for Caged War Games, Punk, White, Robinson and Gunns vs Primo, Carlito Colon, Rey Mysterio, Joaquin Wilde & Logan Paul who took the title from Bullet Club Gold. 

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