The Poet's Addiction

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In words and verses, my heart takes flight,
An addiction to remember, day and night.
For in every line, your spirit hides,
A poet's obsession, a love that abides.

With each stroke of pen, I bring you near,
Filling each page, you always appear.
In sonnets and rhythms, my muse you dwell,
An eternal flame, no words can quell.

Through ink-soaked phrasings, I paint your grace,
While melodies dance, in poetic embrace.
Effervescent memories, forever entwined,
A symphony of words, uniquely designed.

In every metaphor, your essence blooms,
A garden of emotions, where love consumes.
For you are the muse, my steady guide,
A muse that never withers, nor shall reside.

In stanzas and verses, our story unfolds,
A tale of connection, steadfast and bold.
With every sentence, a part of you shines,
A reflection of love, in timeless rhymes.

And as the ink flows, and my thoughts align,
I'll continue to write, our narrative refined.
For it's a poet's addiction, to remember you still,
To write about you, faithfully, with poetic skill.

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