Words That Bind

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I have loved you since the day, my dear,
When words cascaded from my pen, clear.
Upon the page, a poem came alive,
And within its lines, our love did thrive.

With ink, I traced my feelings true,
Crafting verses specifically for you.
In my heart's language, through every line,
A  grew, so divine.

Love so warm, our bond did spark,
Kindred spirits, united in the dark.
The poem acted as Cupid's spear,
And in your presence, all doubts did disappear.

Short, yet sweet, our connection grew,
As days and nights danced, that love just knew.
Through laughter, tears, and countless talks,
We found comfort within life's labyrinthine walks.

Each stanza a window into my soul,
Revealing how our love made me whole.
And within the lines of heartfelt verse,
Nothing could disperse.

So here I stand, after all this time,
Still admiring your spirit sublime.
From that day of poetry's tender birth,
Our love has blossomed, proving its worth.

Through the highs and lows we've weathered together,
Our bond remains strong, forever and ever.
I have loved you since that poetic start,
And my dear, you'll forever own a piece of my heart.

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