Love's Shelter

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Having you beside me on a rainy night,
Brings a warmth that feels so right,
As raindrops dance upon our souls,
Our hearts entwined, our spirits whole.

The patter of rain upon the window pane,
Accompanies your laughter, so sweet and plain,
Like a symphony, it fills the air,
Chasing away any ounce of despair.

In the gentle glow of soft candlelight,
Our shadows entangled, a beautiful sight,
A bond stronger than any earthly tether,
We find solace in the stormy weather.

For in this moment, I come to realize,
That being alone under a bright blue sky,
Cannot compare to the joy I find,
When you're here, and simply kind.

Your presence, a shelter from the storm,
A safe haven that makes my soul transform,
Through the downpour, we find delight,
So pure and bright.

So let the rain cascade from heaven above,
While we bask in this feeling of infinite love,
Knowing that together, we will surmount,
Any obstacle, any challenge, any fount.

Having you beside me on a rainy night,
Fills my heart with pure delight,
For in your love, I discover,
A bond so true, it will last forever.

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