Chapter 2 | Married, That's the Deal

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As if I had all the time in the world, I stood there like a lost child trying to process his offer. An offer that's more like a threat to my weak soul. 

"What do you mean, Mister!?" I exclaim as my hand somehow reaches for the car's door handle and grabs it for support, as if it's going to save me from this idiot tonight. 

He comes closer causing his hot breath to fan over the nape of my neck, and enchantingly make a few of my hair strands sway with the heated breeze coming out of his mouth. 

Oh Audrey, you're supposed to be scared. But here you are getting willingly seduced by a man you don't even know. That's a great form of self defense right there.

Shit for hell NO!

What the actual business am I doing? I was clearly expected to fight this situation rather than let this strange man arouse me into sex, but I guess my body's defense mechanisms are broken, officially. 

Placing his hands on the car on either side of my face, he leans forward as if he's going to kiss me, but he says something that made my face turn red, and I pray my brain be totally ashamed of my reflexes allowing a complete stranger to sway me.

"I meant to say, Mrs. Audrey, that you are warmly welcome to my bedroom so I can show you exactly how a woman like you deserves to be treated. Let me give you a hint; The way you deserve to be treated is exactly NOT how your husband treats you right now." 

I wanted to focus on the way he pronounced my name so addictively, but the mention of the honor 'Mrs' and the term 'husband' made me realize that I'm married. 

My body finally reacts rightfully to this situation that made me push this man away and correct my posture. 

"Guess you finally remember that you're married. Look how a few minutes of standing next to me made you feel like I own you."

He's out of his mind.

"Listen, mister. I don't know your name or who the actual fuck you are coming out of nowhere to flirt with a woman who you know is married to someone. So if you leave me alone, I'm all in to mind my own business and leave you worry about your dick by yourself."

My nerves are back against him after one whole minute of shamelessly cooperating with his movements. 

My head drops as guilt and shame fills my head, and the fact that I just let another man this close to me disturbs my mind in a way that I can't explain. 

I reach out to open the car door but I halt over my actions when his hand grabs mine and twists me around to face his stupidity again. I'm ashamed to say how his 'stupidity' makes me lose myself to him.

Probably because this strange man actually listened to you and gave you the attention that your husband never did. 

I'm down so low that a few minutes of dirty attention given to me from a stranger makes me feel existent. 

Also probably because your anti-romantic husband never made you scream his name in bed.

"Who's gonna pay for my damage. Your dad?" He chuckles but his pitch black irises look at me as if I were penetrable and looking through me would earn him secrets that could make his life complete. Secrets that could satisfy his quest. A quest that I can't name, but it's there. I could see it through his gaze.

My heart is suddenly drenched with pain and sorrow and I could feel my eyes glisten, but I blink several times before it prepares me to shed a single drop of tear before a stranger.

"If only I had one," With that being said, his expressions morph into something sympathetic, which I'm confused on how to consider. 

I've always been confused about how to receive comfort. I question myself if I'm even worth the sympathy that people shower me with. I wonder if I should even consider it, or throw it away. But throwing it away just taught me a lesson that it does nothing but take love away from you. Grudge, pain and vengeance got the best of me, making me run off the ones that loved me and were trying to help. I regret it to this day, but that's all I can do. 

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