Chapter 3

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"Hey Ma! How are you? " Kay asked as he was in the balcony and talking with Porchay.

"Hi baby. I'm great. How are you? Do you need me to pick you up? " Chay asked through the other side of the phone.

"No Ma it's fine. I'll stay at his place tonight. Uncle Pete asked me to stay." Kay replied.

Chay raised his eyebrows. "I'm pretty sure even if he didn't ask you still would be staying there."

Kay chuckled nervously and said "Anyway Ma? Your not sleeping alone right? "

"Nope. Uncle Lee is staying over." Chay replied.

"Ohh okay. That's great then. Ma please don't sleep alone okay? If uncle Lee can't make it then just call me okay? I'll come there but don't be alone." Kay said in a worried tone.

"God baby who's the adult you or me?" Porchay chuckled.

"Don't worry Kay. Lee is coming over. I'm safe. " Porchay replied.

"Is uncle Lee there right now? " Kay asked.

"Yeah he is but he's taking a shower. Anyway go stay with Kay. And make sure not to cause trouble over there. Okay? Be a good boy. " Chay said.

"Of course Ma I'm always your good boy. Good night. Love you"

"Love u too baby. Good night."

With that they hung up and Kay turned around only to see Kim standing there.

He got startled and kept his hand on his chest. "Fuck you scared me Uncle Kim"

Kim checkles as he was leaning against the pillar.

"It was your mom? " Kim asked.

"Well dad technically but since he gave birth to me I'm used to calling him Ma" Kay replied leaning against the balcony railing.

It was just Kim and Kay in the balcony. Everyone else was inside chit chatting when Kay got his Ma's call, so he came to the first floor's balcony.

"Ohh that's something new." Kim said as he came and stood besides Kay.

"Hmm I know but thats fine. My Ma's amazing. He's been doing everything alone just to raise me." Kay said smiling looking towards the sky.

Kim smiled looking at Kay. "Single parent? " Kim asked.

Kay nodded his head.

Kim kept his hand on Kay's shoulder and said "Your amazing too Kay. I heard your conversation with your Ma. I would never expect a 15 year old to be this caring towards their parents"

Kay smiled and said "I want him to be proud of me and not be worried about me as if I'm a child. He has alot on his plate already. Like the financial problem and all. I don't wanna add on to it."

Kim looked at Kay intensely. He felt like he could somehow relate to this kid.

"You know I want to have a part time job. But Ma won't let me" Kay said sighing.

"It's fine. I'm pretty sure your Ma will handle it. You focus on your betterment." Kim said patting his shoulder.

"So what now? I thought you didn't like me in the beginning? " Kay said raising his eyebrows.

"Well your not all that bad. " Kim said Chuckling."

"Well there's a reason why everyone in school is practically in love with me. " Kay said flipping his hair.

16 Years Ago.(KIMCHAY) Where stories live. Discover now