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Lily POV

"Hurry up, Slave! Goddess, you have nothing to work with anyway! Did you even bathe?!"

I rolled my eyes for what felt like the millionth time. Why Luna decided her spoiled, stuck up daughter, who also hated my guts, would be the perfect person to help me get ready for my wedding was beyond me. Although 'helping' was far reached. So far, she had pulled me out of bed by my hair, handled me into my creaky chair in front of my sorry excuse for a vanity, and screamed at me to get ready. Since then, she had done nothing but dick around on her phone and occasionally insult me.
"Yes, Evelyn." I clipped out.

She snorted in response and went back to her phone.

I was nearly ready. My thick red hair was pulled up into a French twist, my veil tucked into it nicely. I had no makeup to speak of, so I had no choice but to go natural. It didn't bother me much, my skin was flawless in terms of acne. I would have liked something to try and conceal how sallow my cheeks were and the bags under my eyes though. I was extremely pale, due to a lack of food and nutrition, which made me look sickly. My full lips were dry and peeling slightly. I hadn't had a drink in over twenty-four hours, and how I wish I could say it was from nerves. Sadly, it wasn't. I had a straight, proud nose so I guess that was a plus. The only feature I really loved was my eyes. They were unbelievably green, like emeralds but... more. They almost shone with the depth of their colour.
My gaze swept down to my dress. It was gorgeous.

The only thing I had ever received from the Alpha in the thirteen years I'd been at this pack.
Alpha Theo and his Luna, Tina of the Snow Moon Pack had "adopted" me when I was five years old. I have no recollection of my life or family from before. Many times I had tried to remember, but it was black, fuzzy. Eventually, I'd stopped trying. My first memory was thirteen years ago, entering Snow Moons borders and staggering around until I came across the packhouse. Foolishly, I'd raided the kitchen as I had been starving, and the Luna had caught me redhanded. Terrified and alone, she had taken me in. Though I quickly found out she was not a Luna of mercy as I was made to clean, cook and serve the pack with harsh punishments if I strayed or argued or talked back.
Her daughter, Evelyn, was the same age as me, and just as cruel as her parents. Her main source of enjoyment was to torment me.
Once, when we were ten, I had spilled a glass of orange juice on the floor. Evelyn had walked right up to me and dumped the remaining glass over her head, immediately screaming for her parents, claiming I had thrown a glass at her and then dumped the juice on her when I missed. None of her friends had backed me up, and I'd spent three days in a cell in the basement with no food or water and merciless beatings from the Alpha and Luna both. I had no idea how I survived, and at the time, I wasn't overly happy that I did.

Over the years however, I'd simply learned to stay away from everyone as much as possible. When that wasn't possible, I just kept my eyes down and my mouth shut. The punishments happened less and less, but when they did happen, they were extreme. If Evelyn had a bad day at school, she would take it out on me. Sometimes her friends would join in, leaving me in whatever state when they were done. More often than not, I'd wished for death. Until I got my wolf, Aya.
It was thanks to her that I found my voice again My will to fight back somewhat. She was strong, snarky, and my only friend. She was the only reason I'd managed to keep my sanity. I smiled to myself, remembering the night she finally came forward.

I was in the last room of the main floor, just finishing up mopping. Suddenly a voice had me screaming and dropping the mop, splashing water everywhere.
"Who...who's there?" I asked nervously. I spun in a slow circle, looking for a sign of another
Laughter. "No need to be so jumpy. I won't hurt you, Lily."
I realized the voice was in my head. " You're my wolf!"
"Is that your name? Bingo?" I asked. Odd.
"What? No silly girl. My name is Aya, and it is so nice to finally be here with you."
"It's really nice to meet you too! I thought... I mean... I figured..." I trailed off helplessly.
"That you didn't have a wolf? I know."
"You do?"
She sighed. "I've always been here, Lily. I know those assholes told you that you 'couldn't possibly have a wolf' and all the other bullshit they've put you through. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you. But I'm here now, and you'll always have me to watch your back. Fuck this pack, and fuck them for the Hell they've put you through!"
I laughed, full of joy. I had a wolf! This was the best day of my life!
"Oh, Lily?"
"Yes, Aya?" I answered.
"Happy Birthday."
I grinned so much, that I didn't even mind I had to re-mop the floor.

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