Unsettled Murmurs

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Unsettled Murmurs

The walls are whispering to me again. They know my name. They repeat it over and over, chanting it until my mind comes undone at the seams.

They know who I am. They know what I’ve seen and they won’t let me forget it.

The voices laugh because I am locked in this room. They know there is no escape from their whispered truths. I must suffer the voices again and again.

The people who run this place say I am insane, but I am not. It would be better to know I was crazy. It would ease my pain, knowing that all of this was just a delusional fantasy cleverly crafted in my mind.

But it is not.

That is the thought that shatters my soul every time. I have heard the voices’ true intent. I know what they have planned for us. It won’t be pretty. Domination never is. It will be harsh, cold, and utterly devastating. The things they have planned for us, you can’t even begin to imagine.

It’s already beginning. Just look around you. Signs of what is to come are everywhere. You can’t avoid them. You can’t escape them. The voices know exactly what they are doing. They have been planning this since the beginning of their existence.

They know how truly weak we are. They know how corruptible we can be. They have already been working on us. Softening us up for the blow.

It’s working, too. We are nothing more then cattle, too stupid to see where our future lies. We belong to them now. There is nothing we can do about that. The filth they have spread on us, making us their own, has become too thick to wash away.

As I sit here, pondering all of this, I know there is only one hope for me.

I must take my own life.

I cannot be here when the time comes. Wherever I end up because of this act, I know it will be paradise compared to what the voices have in store.

No matter what you may think of me, I warn you, I am not crazy.

If you were smart, you’d follow in my footsteps. Save yourself from the torment that is coming. For if you don’t, you’ll soon come to know just how sane I truly was.

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