chapter 7

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I had come back to you.

"W-what-?" Jisung stuttered and fluttered at the older presence why was he here? And what does he even mean by that?

Realization hit Hyunjin and the heroic entry he made soon turned into an embarrassing situation

"I-I mean I-" embarrassed he was and was out of words rather than making a simple peaceful entry he barged in and was in confusion not knowing what to tell Jisung

He just can't go over to Jisung and say-

Hey, I don't know how but I am getting these word letters from my future self who keeps telling me to save you- so here I am to save you.

No...He can't tell him that.

"I-I came here for you'' he blabbered "I mean I forgot something and when I came here I saw you and now I am here for you because I-"

"I'm sorry" Hyunjin looked down at his feet a tint of redness spread over his cheeks

"I just want to talk to you" he speaks again this time staring at Jisung who must have had a heart attack he looked like a tomato and was ready to burst out a second.

He stood there nervously not understanding what was happening was he dreaming if yes then this dream was such a good place to stay in the thought

But Hyunjin walked right to him took one of the benches and placed it in Jisung's place glancing at the clock and mentally sighing that he still had time to talk to Jisung about his mission he sat there clearing his throat and froze Jisung was brought back to life as he sat there still not believing it.

The heavens must have listened to his endless prayer after all

Jisung said facing Hyunjin they both looked awkward and shy "I- think we should go out the school will close soon" Hyunjin said "Oh yeah" Jisung said kind of disappointed that his day with Hyunjin would have ended here without even a proper conversation

They both made it down the stairs when Jisung was going to bid goodbye to Hyunjin, Hyunjin stopped him

"Where are you going?" he asked

"I'm going home" Jisung answered "Is something wrong-?"

"No, that I-" Just tell him something Hyunjin don't let him go home he thought

"I thought we could hang out you see maybe go to the movies" Well that was such a crazy move he thought what would Jisung think of him- he just comes bragging with a heroic entry and then tells him that they are going out on a date like-

Wait not date-

Anyways, "I meant why don't we go out... I mean there is so much time left you know" Hyunjin laughed


"I guess it's fine" Jisung replied shyly mostly confused by the way Hyunjin was behaving with him but what more could he ask for than spending time with Hyunjin

"Is it okay if we see movies?" Hyunjin asked "Yes-"Jisung smiled

"Let's go" Hyunjin said forwarding out with Jisung following him from behind


"Is there anything you want to watch?" Hyunjin asks looking at Jisung "If you don't mind can we see that movie" Jisung asks shyly Hyunjin looks over where Jisung was pointing

Hyunjin was about to say no to the boy's request as he had already seen the movie with Felix but once he was about to oppose he saw Jisung eyes sparkle a little it was their first time out together and the boy looked so happy to see the movie he can't disappoint Jisung like this- he should make Jisung happy just like how the letter had instructed him to-

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