Chapter 34 - Harsh words

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A/N - Hello everyone! It's been a while. Life has been so busy. I hope you have all had an amazing Christmas and New Year. I can't apologise enough for not uploading since November. Wow it definitely has been a while. Originally, I had wanted to finish this book in 2023, but clearly that hasn't happened. We still have a while to go as well! Feel free to let me know what you've been up to since I last updated. I went to a New Years Party, did a lot of dog walking and got an E on a Chemistry exam lol.

To be honest, I've quite enjoyed the break from writing. It's given me a lot of time to think about the book and life in general. I am very sorry though.

I keep getting messages asking if I've discontinued the book so i'll say it again: I AM NOT DISCONTINUING THE BOOK, I AM JUST VERY SLOW AT UPDATING SOMETIMES

I had originally planned for this chapter to be quite dark, but after a few weeks of dealing with some personal issues, I didn't feel up for writing it. I hope you all understand and still enjoy it. 

No-one's POV:

The extremely popular game Jenga can be closely related to life. There is no way of knowing what comes next. Some people collapse when the first brick is removed, others stay stable forever. Some people wobble and threaten to fall throughout the entire game until a singular brick removal finally defeats them. 

Everyone starts off with a solid tower- almost indestructable. Gradually, as decisions are decided and choices are made, the bricks are rearranged. When these holes and gaps are formed, they remain like that forever. In some cases, the bricks can adapt to their new circumstances, but in others - they just crumble under the pressure. By the end, the stability and security from the start has disappeared. Everything is clinging on to something, anything. The bricks will drag others down to save themselves and pressure is piled upon the remaining blocks to stay strong for everyone else. It takes a fraction of a second, a wrong decision, a mistake, and the tower subsides. It has gone past the point of repair and saviour. 

Ever decision is independant. Yet they all manage to be connected and lead to the inevitable fate.

The tower collapsing isn't a sudden thing - hundreds of decisions lead up to it. It's constant wobbling and going back and forth. Removing one brick doesn't seem like a big deal, but what if it's the one holding everything else together? What if everything depends on that brick? And when it's gone, what now? How can the rest of the bricks continue to stand tall when the thing they depend on is no longer there?

Keira's POV:

"I'm going round to Georgia's". A voice I recognised as my daughters called down the hallway and into the kitchen where I was busy washing the dishes. Frowning, I dried my hands on a towel and walked towards the brunette, "Ro, it's pitch black outside and pouring down. Give me ten minutes and I'll take you round". Her eyes refused to meet mine as I continued to speak, "Or go ask your mum to take you now if you don't want to wait for me". Her unsettled eyes darted around, "I'm going to walk, get some fresh air you know?". Crossing my arms, I told her, "I don't think that's such a good ide-...". 

Rosie interrupted me, "You've been trying to get me to leave my room for three weeks and now when I want to go for a walk, you tell me I can't. How the hell does that work?". I tried to reason with her, "I just don't think it's very safe to go walking in the dark...". A sarcastic laugh filled the hallway, "Not safe? I've been in situations way more unsafe than walking five minutes down the road". I flinched, not really wanting to know what she was relating back to, and questioned, "What is going on Rosie? It's been nearly a month since you lost the semi-final, you need to get over it sometime soon". I hadn't wanted to be that harsh, but it's the truth she needs to hear. 

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