season 1 episode 3: tell it to the frogs. part 1/??

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Jack Carver, Carl Grimes, Shane Walsh and Lori Grimes were all sat around in a circle not far from the RV where Dale Horvath could be seen. Lori was currently giving Carl a haircut much to his displeasure.

Lori: baby,the more you fidget the longer it it takes.

Carl: I'm trying.

Lori: well try harder.

Jack: he's already, not happy about it, you don't have to sell him on it.

Lori: I'll be coming for you next Jack, don't worry.

Jack: appreciate the offer, but I think my schedules already filled out, got places to go, warm tents calling my name.

Shane: you think this is bad, wait until you start shaving. That stings.

Jack: then don't shave, are adults obsessed with doing things that make them unhappy. First coffee and now shaving.

Lori: trust me, knowing you, coffee was the only thing keeping your dad alive.

Jack: oof, my heart bleeds.

Shane: trust me,the day comes when you'll both be wishin for a haircut.

Carl: I'll believe that when I see it.

Jack: you sure? If you see it,it might be a nightmare.

Shane: tell you what, you just get through this with some many dignity and tomorrow I'll teach you something special.

Jack: bribery won't work on me officer jump street.

Shane: alright but Carl listen, I will teach you,to catch frogs.

Carl: I've caught a frog before.

Shane: I said frogs, plural. And it is an art my friends. It is not to be taken likely

Jack: woah, art? Shane you are really helping me asert my stance, thank you so much.

Shane: there are ways few people know about and I'm going to share my secrets.

Carl turned to Lori for more information but she denied.

Lori: oh no I'm a girl you talk to him.

Shane chuckled a bit.

Shane: it's a one time offer bud. Not to be repeated,and besides I'd think your dad like like you to know this right Jack?

Jack huffed a bit.

Jack: there's lots of things he'd like me to know

Carl: why do we need, frogs, plural?

Shane: you ever eat frog legs.

Carl: eww!

Shane: noo! Yum!

Jack: I'd go for the eyes but you do you.

Lori: no he's right ew and Jack, no, just no.

Shane: we get down to that last can of beans and you're gonna be loving those frog legs,lady. I can see it now. Um Shane, d-do ya think I can have a second helping please? Please, just one?

Jack: to be fair there's gotta be some good stuff in frog legs that make em jump like that.

Shane: see,he gets it.

Lori: I doubt that.

Shane : me and the boys, we'll be heroes. We'll feed these folks Cajun-style Kermit legs.

Lori: I'd rather eat miss piggy.

Shane looked at Lori questioning her words.

Lori: yes that came out wrong.

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