tell it to the frogs part 2

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Jack was standing near his dad as the new day began, Rick and Glenn were talking, Carol was trying to wash the clothes without her old Maytag. While Morales,Dale and Jim were all taking apart the sports car Glenn had driven in on.

Jack: so, do you think Merle deserved it?

Bill: I think,that whatever Merle did, he got himself stuck on that roof. Crazy bastard was asking for it probably.

Jack: seriously? You two were in the military together. You trusted him enough to let him teach me the very basic steps of hunting.

Bill: yeah, maybe the military is the problem. In there we were taught about lots of things but my old CO, he always drilled one things into our heads. Complete the mission no matter what. If Merle was doing something like fireing shots into the street then yeah he deserved it.

Jack: cool story, but I'm not asking some old man who shouted at you. What do you, dad, think?

Bill: I'm already missing him, he was racist,stupid and all kinds of messed up but my god if there's anyone you want in a fight, it's him. So yeah I wish he was still hear. But he definitely must've done something to deserve it.

Suddenly there was a scream as Sophia,Carl and Morales's kids came running back into the camp screaming. Nearly everyone including Bill and Jack, much to everyone except Bills worries came running into the woods to see what was going on.

The group eventually came up on what seemed to be a walker eating a deer.  Jack was shocked quite a bit and stumbled back knocking into Carver.

Jack: Jesus, Christ. That's... That's... In.

Jack said wearily feeling his knees nearly buckle.

Carver: steady,now.

Jack attempted to steady himself but was still quite scared and hid himself behind Bill. The walker slowly got up and growled prompting the group to attack. Everyone with a melee weapon attacked the walker leaving Bill out. As the group were beating on it Bill whispered something in his ear.

Bill: go,on,take a swing.

Jack cautiously approached the walker as it was on the ground and despite panicked yells of the group Jack swung with his bat. The walkers body made a sickening crack as it's head was bent so even on it's belly it's head was looking up at the group. Of course Jack could have never done this without the beating before hand.

Dale: hey, Bill, you okay with... With that?

Bill: yeah, he helped didn't he?

Jack: yeah, what he said, I helped.

Rick: yeah, you did, just don't go running of trying to do that.

Jack: sir,yes sir.

Dale: just remember, those things used to be people. Now let's deal with the actual problem. This is the first one we've laid of here,they never come down the mountain.

Jim: they're running outta food in the city that's what.

Jack tried to hide the fear on his face but wasn't all that successful.

Suddenly the group heard twigs snapping as they turned around hurriedly, Jack wasn't all that nervous though. He had noticed the arrows and the deer and put 2 and 2 together.

Jack: it's fine, probably Daryl.

After awhile Daryl Dixon came out of the woods looking at the deer.

Daryl: actually learned something short stuff?

Jack: yeah, nice to see you to.

Daryl walked closer to dear quite frustrated with it's death.

Daryl: son of a bitch! That's my deer! Gnawed on this filthy, disease bearing, motherless,proxy bastard!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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