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"Hi everyone!" I shout as I get out of the moving truck and run to everyone. 

"We didn't know you were coming!" Maggie tells me as I go from hugging Glenn to hugging her. 

"I didn't really know either! Me and my dad were talking and he thought it would be fun to come and see some of my people." I smile as I pull away from Maggie. 

I look over to see Carl with a big smile on his face, I go over to him and we exchange hi's before hugging. 

"Hey, I want you to meet someone..." I tell him as we pull out of the hug. 

He cocks his head to the side with confusion, "who?" 

I look back at the truck at my dad and when Carl realizes that that's who I'm talking about, he shakes his head. 

"I don't know, Maddie..." he tells me. 

"Carl... He's my dad and I want you to formally meet him." 

He thinks for a second before nodding, "Fine." 

I smile and grab his hand, leading him over to my dad. 

He is leaning against the trailer, I see him trying to fish something out of his pocket. 

"Hi, dad..." I say. 

He looks over at me and sees Carl, then he stands up straight.

"Hey Maddog, what's going on?" he asks. 

"I wanted you to meet someone," I tell him, motioning my head to Carl.

My dad raises his eyebrows, "Okay..."

"Well, this is Carl. Carl, this is my dad Negan." 

My dad holds his hand out to Carl, "nice to meet you." he says as they shake hands. 

Carl slowly nods, "Yeah, you too."

They both stopped talking, just staring at each other. Every few seconds one of them will look over at me. 

"Okay well... this has been nice," I say, "Dad, if it's okay with you then I wanted to go into Glenn and Maggie's and catch up with them?"

He nods, "Yeah, that's fine. Take as much time as you need. 

"Thanks," I tell him as Carl and I start to walk away and towards my old home. 

"Yeah, I actually really like it," I tell Glenn, Maggie, and Carl. "I have a new room on the top floor and my own bathroom. Which I did have here, but this bathroom is connected to my bedroom."

Maggie and Glenn both look really happy but also a little sad, "That's great Maddie." Maggie tells me. 

"And it's really nice to be back with my dad again after all these years..." I trail off, seeing the kind of sad-looking faces they had. "Are you guys okay?" 

Glenn quickly nods, "Yeah, of course, Mads. We just miss you." 

"I miss you guys too... A lot. I promise to start coming around some more." I tell them, after that, it gets really quiet. 

After a few minutes, Maggie speaks up, "We're happy for you Maddie."

The corners of my mouth start to turn up, "thank you guys." 

Glenn, Maggie, and Carl all look at each other, I watch the three of them with confusion, I can tell there is something that they aren't telling me. 

I watch Carl motion his head to me, and then I really know something is going on, "okay... what are you guys not telling me?" I ask them. 

They all look at me, and then Glenn holds Maggie's hand, "We have something that we've been wanting to tell you..." 

I sit up in my seat with a smile on my face, "what is it?"

Maggie smiles, "Well... I'm pregnant." 

My jaw drops and I jump out of my seat and run to them. 

"Oh my god!" I say as I hug Maggie, then Glenn, then Maggie again.

Maggie laughs, "We found out a couple of weeks ago. We've been wanting to tell you but you haven't come around," she tells me.

"I promise you that I will come over at least every two weeks," I tell them. 

Glenn nods with a smile, "We are gonna hold you to that."

"And you really don't have to worry about me. I'm okay." I tell all of them. 

"Maddie, we're always gonna worry about you." Glenn tells me, "Whether you want us to or not, because we are your family, even if we don't share the same blood." 


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