#1 [ aug 12th ]

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dear yua,

i'm sorry for not coming to you that day.

i just won nationals and i'm representing the miyagi prefecture in tokyo.

i hope you're proud of me. of what i made so far.

i told hinata about you, he really likes you from what he heard. i hope you like him aswell, we are a really good duo together, even tho i wont say it out loud.

i see your mother sometimes when i walk home from practise, i try to help her as much as i can.

she's always so nice to me, despite me never visiting you and for that i'm very sorry.

i regret not coming to you that day, i regret not fighting for our relationship and i regret many other things that i didnt fight for you.

i hope you'll be watching me and my team representing miyagi at the games in tokyo.

i wish to turn back in time and take back what i did wrong.

i love you, yua. i love you very much. and i wont stop.

kageyama tobio

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{ a/n ; just uhm for explanation, yua was very sick in the last year of middleschool (kitagawa) so she broke up with tobio. now tobio always wrote letter for her till the day he died, i took inspiration from @/keisgf. check her out i'm in love with her books!!! lots of love to her and ofc you readers <33 }

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