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Empress Liy sat in her chair, turning to Book when she entered the room. "I don't like the general or King Regnon. The general proving to be a thorn in my side. His team is actively tampering with my plans while Regnon seems to be working one step ahead of my plans to cause political chaos. I can't directly attack now, as the monarchs have been made aware of the situation despite the disasters I've caused them."

"Look on the bright side, I've hidden the machine on one of your Earths, the time they have is too limited to do anything significant. They won't know where to look. The various Earths in this great universe will obfuscate its location immensely." Book replied.

"What's plan D?" Empress Liy asked. Book smiled deviously. "All I can say for now is that it'll involve time travel." Empress Liy nodded. "I expected as much. Well, let's hope we don't need to resort to it."

She picked up her phone and made a call.

"II, IV, this is your Goddess speaking. Get ready. We're expecting an attack."

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