Personal Attack

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Once the heroes appeared in the lab, Notecard noticed they were all some flavor of traumatized. "What's wrong with you?" Notecard asked. Reglissina looked down. Most of the others dispersed to various parts of the lab to attempt to cope with what they had watched. Reglissina just started crying, with Obliv just hugging her. Lady Lone Star and The Cape just tried to calm down and push past it.

The Cupcake Crusaders were dumbfounded. They walked over to Sage, who was trapped in a thousand yard stare. Comet looked around before looking back to Sage. "Sage? Are you all right?"

"I...can't possibly believe that just happened. We watched someone just try to throw themselves off a building. We succeeded at saving him and our Earths, but that was insane."

Eileen just kind of shrugged. "It's creepy, but I don't really know what I'm supposed to say."

"It's absurd how you just had to traumatize Empress Liy into stopping." Notecard said before looking at Dagger. Dagger shrugged his shoulders.

"I suppose you'll all need to sleep this off." This statement of apathy was met with disgust on all sides. Kama, Orb, and Reglissina just left.

Hours later, Empress Liy was taking a shower. She never deliberately took off the crown, not even then. But it happened to fall off as she was looking into a mirror.

She looked at her reflection, and it looked back, only it wasn't her reflection. It was Remote.
"I'm never going to let you live this down. You threw away the life we could have had and sold your soul for ultimate power."

Empress Liy covered her eyes and screamed like a banshee. This former lover she had stabbed in the back, literally, always seemed to find a way to come back and torment her just for a moment. Unlike with the visions of Lollipop or Saw, trying to assure herself Remote wasn't alive anymore never worked in the hysterical screaming frenzies she flew into whenever this happened. Remote stood in the mirror with the spear through her abdomen. She just looked at her with contempt and resentment.

Empress Liy remembered Book having once suggested that she had grown dependent on the crown. She refused to even consider the possibility. But Remote was here to say it now, and Liy could only scream as loudly as possible to block it out until she put the crown on once more. She was left sitting in the tub in which she showered, but even still she was hyperventilating. She picked up her loofa sponge before jumping up and slamming it into the mirror, breaking it and getting glass all over the floor. Only now was she calm.
She used her powers to fix the mess, as she didn't want anybody to know about this rabid freakout of hers.

She dried herself off, and then adorned her royal robe. She made her way downstairs, into a secret door hidden in a wall, and then down another flight of stairs.

"Book...I need to hear good news. What good news do you have for me?" Empress Liy asked. Book turned to her, wrench in hand as she stood next to a time machine, on top of which, resided what Empress Liy assumed to be a toolbox.

"I'm finished building the time machine. I'm fairly excited to see what you plan to do with it." Book said.

"...You can guess what we're going to do." Empress Liy said.

Book nodded. "Yes. What about Blue Quartz Necklace, though?"

Empress Liy scratched her arms. "Bring him with us. He will get to see the world he helped us attain. Make sure all is ready, and we will be off!"

"Yes, ma'am. Right away!" Book exclaimed. Empress Liy nodded. "Good. I'm glad I can count on you."

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