Chapter 5

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Rachel and I went about our week as happily as we could. We went to the movies, went for long swims by the beach, and even hiked up the mountain that looms above our nice little town. I had never felt so happy to be with someone so bright and full of energy.

The Day of Esmerelda's next show arrived, and just as I was about to pick up Rachel, my parents told me that my brother is coming to visit.

"Are you serious?!?!?!" I cried out, not believing what I was hearing. "That serial arsonist is coming back here?!?!?!? After all this time?!?"

"Yes, apparently he got out for good behavior." My dad said calmly.

"Good behavior? Max? Rubbish!" I replied. "I mean, from what I heard, his bad behavior was getting worse since he was thrown inside, and the judge extended his sentence because of it."

"Yes, but he has displayed a lot of improvement since then. Plus this outing will help him show he's changed for the better." My mum replied.

"I bloody hope so." I replied. "I don't want a repeat of what happened before he was arrested."

"That won't happen!" My dad replied confidently. "Max has gone to therapy and was able to work out most of his issues. In fact, here he is now."

I instantly turned around and saw Max walking downstairs from his old bedroom. He looked like me in a lot of ways, but the main thing that set us apart was an eyepatch that covered his left eye, which he got following a boxing accident. Many folks thought of him as a pirate because of it, which infuriated him. His anger issues got him into hot water more times than I can even count, and that is what ultimately got him arrested. He took his anger out on me a lot mainly because I was our parent's "favorite kid", which is complete rubbish.  I haven't seen him since he was sentenced, and I hoped I would never get to see him again.

"Well, Well, Well! If it isn't "SuperHero Sam,'" Max said with a smirk. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"I'm not so sure about that, Mate!" I shot back. "You've only been inside for six short stinking years! I wouldn't really call it a while."

"Whatever, mate. I got to say, it's good to be out of that horrible place." Max said, tenderly touching his stomach. "I've been bullied and tormented by my fellow inmates for way too long, and the guards haven't done a bloody thing about it. Neither has the warden, in spite of all the times I've reported the incidents. I'm planning on sueing those bloody bastards to the fullest extent of the law and completely decimate their careers."

"Yeah, that's not going to happen, mate!" I snarled. "If you try to do that, you are basically guaranteed to lose! Not to mention a trial like that is so bloody expensive you'll be in an insane amount of debt, and you won't be able to pay it off even if you work three jobs for the rest of your life. Trust me, I've seen it happen."

"We'll see about that." Max scoffed. He looked at me with a smug look on his face. "So tell me, have you been 'hanging' out with any girls lately?"

"As a matter of fact, I have!" I replied matter of factly. "Her name is Rachel, and she is the most amazing woman I have ever met. We have a ton in common and we're both planning on going to the University of Cambridge together soon. We both have a chance at a successful future, which is more than I can say for you."

Max gave me a big scowl, and was just about to give me a giant pounding when mum and dad stepped in. Mum then gave Max a big spank, and he hit her back on her face. Dad managed to separate the two of them and hardly reprimanded mum. Mum muttered an apology and we all went over to Rachel's house to pick her up. Once that was done, we went over to the stadium where Esmerelda performed last week.

The show was a great success. Esmerelda performed a bunch of tricks I had never seen before, including a trick that she lovingly referred to as "The Taming of a Dragon". Everyone loved it, and then, Esmerelda called for a volunteer for a new trick. Max gave me a smirk and volunteered for the role. He walked down to the arena and towards Esmerelda. Esmerelda then put Max into a tank filled to the brim with water, then she performed some kind of magic trick that caused the entire tank to disappear! Everyone gasped in shock, but then Esmerelda made the tank reappear from below the stadium, shoot out into the sky, and explode into bits. Everyone thought that was it for Max, but suddenly, Max appeared right next to Esmerelda in one piece. Everyone cheered and clapped, while I stared at the two in shock. How in the bloody hell was Max able to survive being in a tank full of water and then being blown into bits?!?!? It makes no bloody sense whatsoever!

When the show ended, Esmerelda and Max greeted everyone and signed autographs. Everyone was amazed by the trick, but I couldn't help but feel flustered and have more questions than answers.

Soon, the entire family was at the nearby inn, getting ready to hit the hay. Me and Rachel got one of the king sized beds, mum and dad got the other one, and Max got the pullout chair next to the bathroom. We all made sure to take a shower, brush our teeth and sprayed our feet with foot spray. We all had a good laugh about the show and eventually, we all went to sleep.

After ten long hours, I woke up to find that Max had disappeared from his bed. I immediately woke up my parents and they were absolutely frantic. We called the coppers to report Max missing and they started searching the area. They searched for days and found no sign of him. Even stranger is that Esmerelda had vanished into thin air. It was as if she never existed.

How is that possible? Was she even human? Did she even exist at all? And if she did exist, what is she? What the bloody hell has she done to Max? Where the bloody hell is he? Is he even alive? And if he is, where has Esmerelda taken him, and what kind of horrible things is she doing to him? I wish I had more answers to this whole bloody thing, but that's all I got.

The police searched for Max and Esmerelda for days and days but had no luck. Eventually, after a year of searching, they had to give up on the search, announcing Max dead. Mum and Dad were heartbroken when they heard the news and didn't speak for several weeks. I don't blame them. They loved Max with all their hearts, in spite of everything he did over the years. I guess thats what family does, love each other unconditionally. As for me, well, my feelings were rather mixed. part of me believed that this was karma kicking Max in the arse for everything he did, and another part of me felt bad for him. No one deserves to go through a terrifying ordeal, not even sniveling shitbags like Max.

Years went past, and soon I forgot about Max and Esmerelda. Rachel and I went to the University of Cambridge, got married, had two kids and moved down to London, where Rachel got a high paying job working for the queen herself. I started writing a story about my experience, and eventually, It became an almighty best seller!

And that, my mates, is the story you are currently reading.

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