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This is a PLATONIC fic, where you are Dazai's sibling, four years his junior.

Please enjoy!!


     "Y/N, I'm sure Dazai is fine-"

"Fine?" you retorted, "Fine? Yeah, he's in Lala Land, eating all the sweets and drinking all the sake he could ever want! It's not as if he's in the world's most secure prison. 'Fine...'" you said, a venomous tone in your voice.

You and Naomi were at the restaurant the Agency frequently visited. Naomi recommended going to try and calm your nerves, but it clearly wasn't working. You were absolutely restless, constantly shifting in your seat, grinding your teeth and trying your best not to bang on the table with your permanently clenched fists out of frustration and, most of all, fear.

"Calm down!"

"How can I calm down, Naomi? He'll be in prison for the rest of his life, or even executed!" you said, rather loudly. You hid your face with your hands. "If only I had his ability...all of this would be over.."

And that was true. With a touch to Fukuchi, his power would be rendered meaningless. Although you were Dazai's sibling, like Naomi, you had no gift. Therefore, you weren't put in direct danger, as it would be practically useless to have you fight with someone you clearly couldn't beat. Even with your talent with firearms from your years with him in the Port, that would still be pointless.

You had no way of knowing your brother's condition, and that left you a mess.

"I can't- Naomi, I can't do this," you weeped, feeling tears well in your dark brown- almost black, eyes. One of the many traits you shared with Dazai. Naomi got up and went to your side of the booth, squeezing you tightly.

"It'll be okay," she reassured, then pulled away. You looked at her, and she had a hopeful smile on her face. "Look at it this way. Dazai is super smart, isn't he?"

"Yeah," your voice cracked as you wiped your bloodshot eyes with your sleeve.

"Then he must have a trick up his sleeve," she reasoned. You looked to the side in thought, and nodded.

Maybe you were just distraught for no reason.

"I guess you're right about that..I don't get how you're not a mess too knowing Tanizaki is in danger."

"Are you kidding? I'm terrified. But, I have faith in my big brother. And you should too." You smiled, and nodded. However, your eyes were still red. "Now, how about we go back and look at some cat videos?" she offered.

"How could I refuse?" you laughed, getting up and leaving, hearing the bell ring quietly as you opened the door. You walked right back up to the agency, going to the computers. It's not like Fukuzawa would ever mind.


Even with the videos of adorable cats meowing, and jumping around, and chasing laser pointers, it could only lift your spirits for so long. Soon enough, you were in the room where the lounge was, gloomy all over again. You eyed the tile floor, counting the cracks, and you constantly lost count because of your mind leading you astray.





Your thoughts were cut short when instead of your mind in a panic, an extremely loud noise sounded from outside.

A helicopter?

"Just great..." you said to yourself. Even through the world quite literally ending, more problems slapped you in the face. You got up quickly, getting flashbacks to when the Guild was after your President's license. Running to the window, you looked outside, then gasped, covering your mouth. Yes, a helicopter was outside, but..

Dazai walked out of it.

"Oh my God," you whispered.

You sprinted to the door outside, skipping steps and almost falling off of the staircase, going to see your brother face to face for the first time in what felt like an eternity. As you got closer, your dark hair blowed with the wind the blades of the chopper was making. You slowed your pace, before you were standing only a few feet in front of him, motionless.

You didn't know what to do. You didn't know what to say. Everything felt like too much, your emotions leaving your mind with an overload. And because of that, you started bawling your eyes out on the spot.

Your lips quivered, and your fingers twitched, and you felt snot leave your nose. Your legs felt weak, like you would fall straight to the ground. You felt paralyzed, as if your body was taken over by some kind of force. Somehow, even through feeling like you couldn't move, you covered your mouth, your sobs uncontrollably audible. Dazai chose to walk toward you, giving you a hug.

"Looks like someone missed me," he said, a pitiful smile on his face. You felt your arms wrap around him, tight. Too tight. But you didn't care. Your breaths were so unsteady, getting words out proved to be a hard task.

"Don't leave me like that ever again!" you cried, almost screaming. You looked up at him. "I missed you so much." You pulled away for a closer look at your sibling, wiping your tears with your sleeve. "Wait...what happened to your leg? What happened? How did you escape, what- what's going on? Why didn't you fill me in?" Your questions were incessant, almost incoherent with your cracking, unsteady voice. Dazai laughed.

"I can explain everything later," he said. You frowned. "Oh, come on! We have more important business to attend to, such as...saving the world?" he reasoned. Finally, you smiled.


"Okay, this is so corny I'm gonna be sick."

You heard a loud voice, quite familiar. You looked over to see Chuuya, Dazai's past partner. You snorted, but then noticed his face. Were those fangs in his mouth?

"You're absolutely right, Chuuya! This is just such a sappy moment even I'm trying not to vomit!" Dazai teased. Chuuya rolled his eyes.

"Okay, asshole." Chuuya looked to the front seat of the helicopter. "Hey, let's go," he said to the pilot of the helicopter. The man complied, and the wind felt so strong it was as if you were going to fall over.

"Okay...let's get you cleaned up," you said. Dazai nodded.

"Glad to be back."

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