Saving Falls End

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[ Andrew's POV ]

As we drove down the road we were taking in what the peggies have been doing since we tried to take Joseph from them. We got near Falls End when we heard a distress call from the woman I loved.

Mary May: if anyone is out there Falls End is under attack by those damn peggies..... We won't last much longer....

After that I looked at Ron who was manning the rocket launcher mount in the back. We looked back at me and nodded to me. I looked over to Boomer and he licked my face. I gunned it toward the town that I grew up near.

We made it to Falls End and the peggies was destroying the town. Once we stopped I looked up to Ron then said.

Andrew: Ron what ever you do don't let the peggies get near The Spread Eagle.

He nodded to me as me and Boomer made our way toward the church taking down peggie after Peggie with my 1911 Colt. When I made it to the church I saw none other than Reverend Jerome. Me and Jerome went to school together and we were friends until I went to war. I made my way into the church were he greeted me.

Jerome: Andrew? I thought you were dead.

He put the shotgun down and came over to me and hugged me. After a moment we parted and he picked his shotgun back up as I spoke as I had my eyes trained on the door.

Andrew: For a few moments I thought I would be to.... Me and Ron and Boomer came to help.

After I said that I could here Ron firing the rockets so I knew there was more out there. I looked to Jerome and said.

Andrew: You sure you want to go out there? You are a Reverend after all.

He looked at me and without looking at the shotgun he pumped it then said.

Jerome: I have faith the lord will forgive me..... now let's go save our town.

I nodded to him and we made our way out of the church were a swarm of peggies were waiting some was hiding behind the general store so I looked to Jerome and said.

Andrew: You take the other side of town and I'll take this side.

He nodded at me and made his way over to the other side. I holstered my 1911 Colt and pulled out my Ranger Issued Assault Rifle and made my way to the garage. I looked in it but before I could get a good look i was fired upon from the peggies that was inside so I took in a deep breath and readied myself then came out of my cover to take them out.

One was hiding behind a GTO and the other was hiding behind a tool case.
The one behind the tool case peeked his head out and I wasted no time to blow it off. Then I crouched down and saw the knees of the other peggie from underneight the car. I shot them and he fell to the ground I saw his eyes and he saw mine then I said.

Andrew: Bye bye.

After I said that I shot him between the eyes. I got up from the ground and left the garage and made my way toward the Spread Eagle to see Mary May blowing some peggies away along with Ron in the cock of the truck using his assault rifle to take them out.

I got a few steps from Mary May when a Peggie with a bullet proof vest jumped from the ally tackling me to the ground so I let my Assault rifle hang from the strap around my neck and pulled out my knife and stuck it in his throat. After I did that I pushed him off of me and took my knife from his throat and wiped the blade on his best then holstered it.

Mary May looked at me with a smile and I gave her one to. I went up to her and we hugged, when we parted she slapped me then said.

Mary May: I thought you were dead!!

But before I could reply she grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips I returned the kiss as I put my hands on her hips bringing her close deepening the kiss. After a couple of minutes we part to hear a plane going over and it was mounted with guns going off in the streets so I looked to Ron and Mary then said.

Andrew: I'm going to get on top of the garage. Ron you and Mary May focus on the ground troops I'll take the plane.

They nodded at me. Ron got out of the Jeep and reloaded his assault rifle, I was getting ready to leave when Mary grabbed my hand and made me look at her as she said.

Mary May: Come back to me ok Wolfie~.

I smiled at her and brought her in for another kiss then I said as we parted.

Andrew: I'll always come back to my best girl.

After I said that I made my way toward the Garage and climbed the ladder to the top and when I got there I saw a LMG very convenient. I went over to it and began to take out some Peggies on the ground then the plane went over again so I opened fire on them to after about three go arounds I finally blew the planes engines. I nosedived right into a Peggie truck with a mounted gun. But what made it funny is that a peggie was manning the gun so he died.

I made my way back down to the ground and me Ron, Mary and Jerome took out the rest of the remaining peggies. After we did me and Ron checked our ammo in our guns then put them back in their holsters and followed Mary May Into The Spread Eagle.

When we got in there we began to help her move her beer and merchandise to where they need to be put. After we did that me and Ron sat at the bar while Jerome and Mary May talked. After they did Mary came over and went behind the bar and up to us then said as she gave us a drink.

Mary May: I remember your drinks. Jack Daniels with coca cola for Ron and a whiskey on the rocks for you Andy.

She smiled at me and gave me the whiskey then she put her hand on mine. I brought it up and kissed it then put it back down.

Ron: So Mary have you heard from any one else from the Sheriff's office.

Mary took her hand back and poured herself a drink while she said.

Mary May: All of the junior deputies that was left was in Joseph Seed's pocket so once they heard what happened they went back to him.

He drank a shot then Ron spoke while he was looking at his beer.

Ron: So it's just me and Andrew left.

Mary May: As far as I know but if it was between the whole Peggie army verses The Wolf Brothers, my money is on The Wolf Brothers.

We laughed at that and continued to talk and remince about the old days and how awkward we used to be until night fall. Me and Ron went up to the rooms and said our good nights. I just took off my backpack, boots, and gun belt when I heard a knock at my door I pulled out my 1911 Colt then said.

Andrew: Come in.

When I said that the door opened to show Mary May on the other end. She saw me with my gun then smiled as she said while she came in the room and shut the door.

Mary May: I come In peace.

I re-holstered my Colt as she sat next to me on the bed while I put it on my Colt on the night stand then took off my cowboy hat and put it on the bed post then after I did that she put her head on my shoulder then said.

Mary May: I was so worried about you, and I thought my worrying would be gone after you retired from the Rangers.

I put my arm around her and kissed her head then put my head on hers as I said.

Andrew: I know, but remember what I always told you.

Mary May: You'll always come back to me.

Andrew: And I mean it. Your my reason to live I'd do anything to keep you safe.

After I said that she leaned up and we kissed again. We fell to the bed and began to make out and the rest of the night turned into a heated night of love making. Sorry Ron I hope you don't hear what will happened all night

( To Be Continued )

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