Part 1/Prologue: Snow will calm the raging fire

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It doesn't matter, it won't hurt to do it..

We all support you, if you choose to, or not. But please understand mating with more than one person would be stressful for your omega, and may even make your omega drop.

I trust them, ma... I know you're scared, but you know them, you know Izuku and the others.. I love them, and they love me just as much.

We worry for you.. We know you love them, all of them. So we trust them, but please love yourself as well and take care of yourself, I cant risk anything happening to you.

Ok ma... I know worry, but I'll check in and make sure you know everything you need to.. Ok?

Ok Yin.. I love you so much and you better remember that.

I love you too ma, let the dogs know I miss 'em

Will do boo.. Talk to you later.

Yin has left the facetime.

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