Order of Chaos

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Lily's POV

I was relieved when I saw Jack standing there, all confused. I needed to talk to someone and he was always a great listener. "Come with me," I said, motioning for him to follow me to the sacred grove. Once we were inside, I closed the door and turned to face her. "What's going on?" he asked, concern and protectiveness etched on his face. I took a deep breath and began to explain. "I've been having these strange dreams lately. They're so vivid and real, I feel like they're happening." Jack listened patiently as I described the dreams, how they were always about the same thing, and how they left me feeling unsettled. "Have you tried talking to anyone else about this?" he asked. I shook my head. "No, I haven't. I didn't want anyone to think I was losing my mind." He smiled reassuringly. "You're not losing your mind. Dreams can be powerful, and they often have deeper meanings. Maybe we can figure out what's causing them together." I felt a weight lift off my shoulders at his words, grateful for his support and understanding. Together, we set out to unravel the mystery of my dreams and find a way to put my troubled mind at ease.

Jack's POV

As Lily shared the details of her disturbing dreams, I listened attentively, trying to understand what was causing her distress. I expressed my concern and asked if she had confided in anyone else. Sadly, she replied that she felt too ashamed to speak to anyone. I offered her reassurance, telling her that she wasn't going crazy. I believed that dreams had a deeper meaning and that we could work together to unravel the mystery behind them. So, we decided to embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of her dreams and find a way to ease her troubled mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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