|•~can't let go of the past.~•|

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I had woken up to a plume of smoke in my face.

I got off my bunk bed crying looking for my little sister. She had been under quite a bit of debris I screamed and cried for help holding my sisters lifeless body. My father whom had started the fire ran to his and moms room.

Getting him and mother out of the house running not thinking to look for me and my sister.

I ran outside as fast as possible with my sister on my back. Police, firefighters, and an ambulance had checked up on me and my sister not sure where our parents had gone..

they had taken my sister in the ambulance I wasn't sure what to do considering I was only 7 at the time..

"WAIT SISSY!! KAYLA WHERE IS SHE GOING!??" I screamed with tears in my eyes barely able to breathe because of the smoke.

"To a good place sweetheart.." A man had pat me on the back and left me for foster care to handle.

I was screaming crying pissed if anything I blacked out after being taken.. It isn't fun..

A/N noice A good recap of Alice's past! Hope you enjoyed it😉 anyway should I make another book? Like an unrealistic fanfic where some bitch named Brock (Colby brock) is a mafia boss or whatever? 

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