|~•The end PT2•~|

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*this is from a fans perspective*

3 weeks later

I woke up smiling and ready to watch a new Jake and johnnie's/ sam and Colby's and or tara and Alice's videos 

I got on YouTube and saw the news with Jake johnnie sam colby and Alice and tara

I watched the video wondering what happened..

Newsman: " Famous youtubers Jake webber, Johnnie Guilbert, Sam and Colby, And Alice walker and Tarayummy found dead deep in a forest autopsies say All of there deaths were a suicide and not a murder. They died three weeks ago body's barely decaying when found... "

I started to hyperventilate my chest felt heavy, There was lumps on my throat and stinging in my nose.

Newsman: " Guests Kris collins and Celina Myers are here to talk about the situation.. Welcome kris and Celina!

Kris: " I love them all very much when I found out I- Im sorry I need a moment. " kris hugged Caleb (oompaville)

Celina: " When I found out about this I cried every day and I still remember that the last I saw them me and Kris never got to say goodbye. " Celinas voice cracked throughout the sentence

Me: " oh my god.. BABE! " I screamed sobbing and breathing heavily.

Tristan: " Yes ? " he hugged me I showed him the news. We both love them and broke into tears the moment we saw this

Kris and Celina stopped posting for almost a year.. I understood it because no one can understand why they left Us

~The end~

I cried most of this chapter hope you enjoyed😭😭

Lost C.Bजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें