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QUICK DISCLAIMER BEFORE WE BEGIN WITH THIS STORY. I don't own south park characters they belong to Trey Parker and Matt Stone, but I do own the next gen kids I created.

"Catch me Mummy and Daddy catch me!" yelled five year old Tyler Marsh. The year was 1935, and a five year old Tyler was being playfully chased by his Parents Stan and Wendy Marsh, Stan had served in the Great War (Or WWI) so he knew how to chase people from running in the battle field; and would protect his wife and child without a moment's hesitation. And married Wendy as soon as he got back and they eventually had Tyler after years of trying; "He. He catch me catch me!" Said Tyler in an excited little voice; as Stan and Wendy eventually surrounded and caught him. As they hugged and kissed him; "I love you Mummy and Daddy" said Tyler laughing; "We love you too sweetie" replied Wendy kissing his cheek; "Daddy what was the war like?" asked Tyler, Stan's eyes lit up in horror, as he remembered him and his best friend Kyle fighting the germens on the battle field. All their friends and comrades were dying and being blown apart all around him; he looked to Wendy for conformation and she shook her head pleadingly. Not wanting Tyler to know all the horror and blood and guts that Stan went thru; "Well son let's just say it was very terrible and I had to do very terrible things to keep this country safe, and it's not something your mother and I want you going thru" replied Stan kissing his son's head; as they went home for supper.


The year 1945 it was in the final weeks of World WarII; and the Army was still looking for volunteers to fight. Fifteen year old Tyler Marsh was looking thru the mail one day after school when he saw a letter for him; he went inside where his mother Wendy was preparing supper and his father was sitting in his chair after a hard day's work at the pet store. Tyler read the letter, which said; "Tyler Marsh you have been drafted into the US Army to serve in the final weeks of the war you have three days to report to the US Army base after that time if you have not reported to the base you will be arrested and court marshalled, You'll be doing god's work son" The letter ended and Tyler was in shock, "What's that sweetie another party invitation?" asked Wendy as Tyler handed her the letter and she read it. "NO! No!" Wendy cried, "What's wrong Darling?" asked Stan, seeing Tyler with a frightened look on his face, he remembered that same look on his own face when he was drafted into the great war; "Tyler's been drafted" replied Wendy showing Stan the letter, and his face had the same Look on his face, he hadn't had that look on his face since he was drafted into the first war, And he had flash backs; (FLASH BACK) Bombs were dropping German machine guns were going off, and Enemy, and friendly blood and guts were all over Stan and Kyle as they were in the trenches; "Dude we have to get up and fight, the battle's almost over!" yelled Kyle as Stan picked up his rifle and loaded it, as he and his lifelong best friend got a rocket launcher and were able to destroy a German tank; as the young soldier that was with them had his head shot off his body by another tank.

As they were somehow able to destroy that tank too and as they killed the last of the German infantry and they surrendered, but Stan would never be able to get the horrible memories out of his head. Stan was brought back to the real world; "I'm gonna try and volunteer myself" said Stan going upstairs and getting into his old Great War uniform; before taking Tyler to the military base; "Name?" asked a Lieutenant. "Marsh" replied Stan, "that's a Great War uniform" said the Lieutenant; "Yep, my boy here Tyler received a draft notice in the mail this afternoon, the wife and I don't want him going thru what I went thru in the first war so I was hoping to volunteer myself instead" replied Stan, "I am sorry you're talking to the wrong man the colonel over there" said the Lieutenant. "Yes sir" replied Stan saluting him as he saluted him as did Tyler, "Dad do you think you'll be able to get both of us out of this shit?" asked Tyler, "First of all don't say shit second, I'm hoping to get you out of this mess but if I do it'll be me that has to go, But unfortunately I can't guarantee that it'll work I hope it does, your mother and I just don't want you going thru what I went thru" replied Stan as they walked to the Colonel; "Marsh good to see ya" said the elderly colonel, "this your boy?" he asked again. "Yes this is my son Tyler that's the resin why I'm here. Tyler got a draft notice in the mail today; he's only fifteen and the wife and I don't want him going thru what I went in the last war. So I was hoping to volunteer myself instead of him" replied Stan, "Sorry Marsh but you've already done your time, and you never know it's the war will be over soon; he may survive, we're putting him on a tank" said the colonel.

"Damn It's good to see you sir" replied Stan, "It's good to see you too Marsh I'll let you take him home now so he can say good bye and when you bring him back, we'll get him trained introduce him to his tank commander and fellow crew" said the colonel. As Tyler shook his hand as did Stan and they went home. "Well?" asked Wendy; "No luck I couldn't get him out" replied Stan, "Oh god" said Wendy tearing up, "It's okay Mum, I'll be alright and I'll make you and Dad proud" said Tyler hugging his mother; "Tyler Marsh, don't talk like that, your mother and I have always been proud of you, we'll always love you. I know you will do this country proud Tyler" replied Stan kissing his son's head as Wendy hugged him tightly. A day later Tyler's uniform arrived and was delivered by a military privet. It had the words, PVT: Tyler Marsh, Stitched onto the front just above the pocket, a water canteen, a backpack and a utility belt for his side arm and grenades, which weren't included; he'd have to go thru training first. Tyler took it into his room and put the uniform on it fit perfectly; then he came out to show it off to his family, he hadn't been in the family living room yet, and when he walked in. "SURPRISE!" yelled his entire family, his friends, and some of his teachers, and there was a big banner on the top of the window seal which read; "GOOD LUCK TYLER" "Wow" said Tyler excitedly as he was greeted with hugs kisses and handshakes. Once the party was over and everybody had gone home; Wendy, had given Tyler a chequered blanket which was warm and wrapped, "It's a box of homemade cookies, now Tyler, please just be careful listen to your commanding officers and always remember to write home" said Wendy tearing up again, as she remembered the day when they were playing in the field ten years earlier.

"I promise I'll write home Mum" replied Tyler kissing his mother, as they left but not before taking two family photos, one for them to keep and the other for Tyler to take with him; as Stan took him to the military base where he was trained for a few days, then he was put on a Sherman Tank, with the word FURY on the side of the cannon. TWO WEEKS LATER: TYLER'S POV: "It was dirty hot and cramped while I hid from the German SS Platoon after a long and hard battle, with just the one remaining Sherman tank limited Ammo and Just five crewmen, with hundreds of dead German soldiers, on the crossroads that we were supposed to defend; as a what looked like a German SS officer looked under the tank and saw Me, I put my hands up to surrender but to my surprise instead of dragging me from under the tank by my legs he placed his finger to his mouth to shush me then he left as if he never saw me. The fucker must've respected that just me and four other crewmen were able to hold off hundreds of well trained SS officers with just a limited amount of ammo and that we fought to the end. I pulled a picture of my family and I that was taken just before I left for war, I was gonna die here I knew it that I was gonna die at the hands of those heartless mother fuckers I knew it. I laid back and looked at the photo and started to tear up as I remembered that day in the field ten years earlier when I was five playing with my family. I was also thinking about the past couple days my fellow crewman and I had been fighting the final weeks of this nightmare, that's what war is a fucking nightmare that I can't wake up from, I wanna wake up, I just wanna wake up and head down stairs to my Mum's amazing breakfast goddammn it" By this time I was crying while remembering.

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