chapter II

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Once they entered the town they came across an old man. "Grandpa Where are the German soldiers?" asked the sergeant in German, "Over there" he replied before being shot fifteen times by a machine gun. As they proceeded to blow up a building which killed the German soldiers; And another old man, came out with his can in the air, with a white cloth on it; "Please don't shoot we give up the war is over thank god" he said in English; "Tell them to come out with their hands up" said the sergeant as the man told the other soldiers came out. With their hands out most of them were younger than Tyler; "It's Just a bunch of kids, "You're a fuckin kid" replied Boyd. "Yea but their younger than I am" said Tyler; "Is that SS officer the one hanging the kids?" asked the Sergeant; "Yes" he replied; "Tyler, Shoot that guy" this guy with the broken arm?" asked Tyler, "Yes that SS cocksucker with the broken wing" replied the Sergeant. As Tyler shot him killing him instantly; "Good shooting son" said the sergeant as Tyler climbed out of the tank, "Come with me" said the sergeant. As Tyler followed him into a room; Where a bunch of German soldiers were lying dead with Champaign bottles all over the place, "they knew we were coming so they got themselves drunk as kings then they shot themselves" said the sergeant; "Why are you showing me this?" asked Tyler; "Ideals are peaceful history is violent" replied the sergeant; "Now come on let's get outta here" he said once more; as they left before entering a house, as the woman there had fright on her face; "who else is here?" asked the sergeant, "Nobody" replied the woman; "Bull shit" said the sergeant.

As he and Tyler proceeded into the building, and into a bedroom; "Come out!" said the sergeant, as a young girl about Tyler's age came out, "why didn't you say something, you could've gotten her killed" said the sergeant; "She's my cousin" replied the woman, "Tyler lock that door" said the sergeant, as Tyler walked over, "I said lock the fuckin door!" he said once more, as Tyler locked the door and they sat the girl in a chair as the woman went into a kitchen; where she made some lunch, as the sergeant asked for hot water; and removed his shirt, "what's your name young lady?" asked the sergeant "Grelda" she hesitantly replied "Tyler that's a fresh young girl, if you don't take her in that room I will" said the sergeant; as Tyler gently took her by the hand and they went into the back room, "May I borrow a pen and paper please?" asked Tyler, as Grelda handed Tyler the materials and he started writing; DEAR MUM AND DAD: "We just came into a town I'm not sure what it's called, but we came here after a long and bloody fight against heavy German infantry; it lasted hours and we lost a lot of good men, but after what seemed like three hours of fighting we prevailed I'm not sure how I'm going to get this letter delivered, but I will find a way, no tank crew have seemed to have dropped where they were supposed to yet, I suppose they will soon, unfortunately they are some of the best men I've ever had the privilege of serving with. We are still in the town and I guess we'll be moving on in probably an hour maybe two I don't know, I do hope to get outta this alive, I dunno how you managed to stay alive Dad but I'll give it my best shot, just so you know I don't enjoy killing German soldiers, and I'm sure they don't enjoy killing either, anyway the sergeant ordered me to execute a German SS soldier but I believe he deserved it, he murdered a bunch of kids and hung their bodies from power poles because they refused to fight for Hitler, anyway I still hope to survive to post the next letter. Your loving Son Tyler" Tyler finished and put his home address on the letter.

As they came out and another US troop was seen, "Do you handle mail?" asked Tyler, "Yes I'm privet Ellis I'm the one who gave the letter to your folks before good people you something else you want me to bring em?" replied the soldier; "Yes I do" replied Tyler handing him the letter before giving him a dollar, "Thankyou" said Tyler; "Sir" replied Privet Ellis leaving. "What's the letter?" asked the Sergeant, "a letter home to my parents, my father served in the great war" replied Tyler, "What's he's name I might know him?" asked the sergeant, "Stan Marsh" replied Tyler, "Damn right I know him he's a fuckin legend him and Broflovski were able to destroy two German tanks with one bazooka you know why they wouldn't let him serve instead of you?" replied the sergeant "No" said Tyler, "You ever see him walk with a limp?" asked the sergeant, "Yes all the time, he and my mum would playfully chase me across a field when I was little" replied Tyler, "He was shot right thru the knee cap, with a 20 cal bullet so he wouldn't have passed the physical, if not it'd be your dad and I sitting in this room about to eat some eggs instead of you" said the sergeant, as lunch was put on the table; which was fried eggs. "Thankyou" said Tyler as they ate; then the other's came up and joined them. Once that was done another US soldier came in; Sarge we've got new orders we need to get to the crossroads today" said the soldier; "Right let's go" replied the sergeant as they packed up their stuff, and left; when a loud whistle noise was heard; "It's an air raid get down!" Yelled a soldier as Tyler under the tank and the bombs dropped which lasted for a few minutes.

When he saw the destroyed wreckage of the house, as he ran over, only to see Grelda's lifeless body, with a bit of blood coming out of her mouth; "NO no!" yelled Tyler, "Tyler get your arse on the fuckin tank you gonna raise her up, like Jesus Christ?" asked Boyed as they went on the tank and proceeded with the next length of the mission. MEANWHILE: Wendy was preparing lunch, worrying every day about her son; she worried that one day soon she'd get a knock at the door to a soldier holding a folded American flag saying that her son was killed, fortunately that day hadn't come yet, when a knock on the door was heard; it was a soldier the same one as before; "I've got another letter from your boy Mam" said the soldier giving her the letter; it was something saying that Tyler had not been killed. Wendy couldn't wait for Stan to come home and opened and read it; after hearing the horrible things Tyler had to do; she wasn't disappointed, she knew it was War and Tyler had to follow his orders just like any other soldier did so did the German soldiers who Tyler and the other soldiers right now we're fighting; as Stan came home later and they also read it together. They were glad their boy was still alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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