chapter I

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After several days of obstacle and weapon training Tyler was writing a letter home to his parents. "Dear Mum and Dad, I have recreantly completed weapons training. It was very harsh but worth it. First we had to crawl under barbed wire holding rifles; while a sergeant fired a browning fifty calibre machine gun; over the barbed wire to make sure we keep our heads down, it was so loud and the bullet casings dropped on me like rain. But everybody kept their heads down, I guess it would've been better to keep our heads down than taking a fifty cal bullet to the head; anyway I haven't been put on a tank yet. I'm expecting to be put on one very soon; it could be today or tomorrow, I'm not sure. But I've been informed of the mission; it's to travel to a small crossroads in German occupied territory so unfortunately this could be my last letter for a while. Mum thank you for the cookies I had one and they taste amazing just like I expected them to; I love you all and wish you the best; your loving son Tyler. Once Tyler finished writing the letter home he added his home address and a stamp on the top corner of the envelope; and stood up, "Marsh, you're going on a tank today son" said a elderly Sergeant named Sergeant moody; "Yes sir, may I put this letter to my family first Sir?" asked Tyler, "Yes son you may" replied Moody as Tyler; moved to the mail tent and gave them his letter along with a dollar.

Once the letter was placed in the tent; Tyler was shown the tank along with the crew, Bible Gordo Boyed and their captain sergeant tap, "Hi I'm Tyler Marsh I'm your new assistant driver" said Tyler, "How old are you kid?" asked Bible, "Fifteen" replied Tyler, "how long you been in the Army?" asked Gordo; "Several days" replied Tyler, "You ever been inside a tank before?" asked Boyd; "No I've never even seen the inside of a Tank" replied Tyler, "Wait till you see Kid" said Bible. "See what?" asked Tyler, "What a man can do to another Man" replied Bible, "You see this thirty cal Machine gun here?" asked Boyd; "Yea that's your seat now go get a bucket of hot water from the kitchen and get that shit cleaned up" said Boyd. "What the fuck you got in that back pack?" asked Gordo; "Among other things my Mum's homemade cookies" replied Tyler, taking the back pack off and offering some to them which they accepted since he had plenty; and went back to the kitchen and went inside the Tank showing not only his seat but blood splattered photos; along with the walls that were covered in blood; and a few German medals mostly the Iron cross medals, the blood he could handle as he started scrubbing it off the tank walls; but then he saw something else, which was the left half of a man's face; "Oh fuck" Tyler groaned picking it up and putting it in the bucket before cleaning up what remained of the blood before climbing out of the tank and puking. All over the mud; "Hey Kid your mum makes good cookies" said Boyd; "thanks" replied Tyler, as their sergeant; saw one of the German prisoners being taken to be interrogated, "Hey why isn't he resting?" asked the sergeant; "Corporal wants' a prisoner for questioning" replied one of the soldiers who was taking the prisoner, "Oh I'll fuckin question him, "what's your favourite colour are you a good dancer? Do you like fat girls?" he asked in German before trying to bash his face in.

But he was held back by the other crewmen, who managed to calm him down; "You see that he's an SS they're real arse holes you kill every last one" said the Sergeant, "Fuck them they started it we finished it" said Boyd as they climbed in the tank; "You done much killing?" asked the Sergeant; "No" replied Tyler, "You will Boyd take him thru that gun" he said once more, "See that hatch open it" said Boyed; Tyler opened it; "Now you kill. Close it up; Tyler closed it back up; "Now you aint" he said once more, as the tank was started and they started moving; Since Tyler was sitting in the right seat his head out of the hatch; "Hey Gordo take him thru that gun again" said the Sergeant; "Hey the guns ready just pull the trigger, thirty cal bullets, as Tyler took hold of the heavy machine gun that was in front of him and the barrel was pointing out of a hole in the front of the tank. And remember short bursts that way you harvest more meat pure bullet" said Gordo as they drove thru the mud over a bunch of dead soldiers; leading four other tanks. Where they saw something that looked suspicious; "All tanks Stop" said the Sergeant thru a walkie talkie; as they stopped and saw what looked like German infantry. When a large shot was heard and the tank at the rear end was destroyed and the crewmen were killed; "Goddamn it Close your hatch!" said Gordo as Tyler closed his hatch as did Gordo Boyd Bible and the Sergeant "ALL TANKS ADVANCE!" yelled the Sergeant thru an intercom. As the tanks advanced and the US infantry followed behind them; "START SHOOTING KID" yelled Gordo, "What do I shoot at?" asked Tyler, "The Nazis Dumb fuck!" yelled Gordo as Tyler started Shooting the thirty cal Machine gun which tore the German infantry apart, "FIRE" yelled the Sergeant as Bible stepped on a peddle and the cannon unleashed a shell.

Which instantly killed a bunch of German troops; then another cannon was heard; "God damn it's a fucking German Panther Tank!" yelled the Sergeant as all the tanks fired over and over until the Panther was destroyed. And they killed off the rest of the Germans; And took a break, as Tyler climbed out of the Tank and was given some coffee. "Good shooting Kid" said Boyed as Tyler handed a few more cookies to them; And they poured more coffee.


"Stan I'm worried about Tyler" said Wendy; "I'm sure he's fine" replied Stan brushing her hair when a knock at the door was heard, "Good morning sir I'm privet Nellis I have a letter from your boy" said the privet, "Thanks" replied Stan; "Sir" the Privet saluted him; and left, "Wendy we got a letter from Tyler" said Stan as they read the letter and Smiled they knew it was his hand writing; BACK ON THE FRONTLINE.

After a two hour break; They moved on until they came to a small German town; with a lot of dead kids hanging on power polls with signs around their necks; the signs said "Ich bin ein Feigling und weigere mich, für das deutsche Volk zu kämpfen" "What do the signs say?" asked Gordo; "I am a coward and refuse to fight for the German people" replied The sergeant (I don't know German so I Google translated it) as they drove into the town to rest and wait for their next assignment.

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